In sickness and in health...

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(Brad's POV)

All I can hear is Jen throwing up like crazy in the bathroom. This is the third day in a row and she's hardly eating anything because her morning sickness is so bad. I want to help her, but I don't know how.

I get out of bed and walk over to our bathroom "Hey, baby, are you okay?" I ask sitting on the floor next to her

She looks up at me "I don't know. This is bad."

I pull her hair back as she throws her head over the toilet again "Morning sickness is normal."

She stops throwing up "Not this bad. I can't even eat anything."

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"At least call my doctor first." She gets up and cleans her mouth.

"You get dressed and I'll do that." I leave and call the doctor.

Jen walks out a few minutes later "I'm ready."

"Let's go. Sherry's coming to stay with Cat." we walk downstairs and wait for Sherry, then leave.

(Jen's POV)

We get to the hospital and they take some tests and give me a room.

"Well, Mrs. Pitt, it looks like you're dehydrated. It happens often when you're pregnant due to morning sickness, so we'll connect you to an IV for a few hours and you should be able to leave by tonight." The doctor tells us as she looks at my chart "Any questions?"

Brad looks worried "Is this hurting the baby?"

The doctor walks over to us "It shouldn't harm the baby at all. Like I said, it's common, so unless there are any other problems, we'll just do a quick ultrasound before she leaves and everything should be fine."

"Thanks." I tell her as she starts the IV. As the fluid runs into my veins I start to feel better.

"Just call the nurse if you need her." She smiles and walks out

Brad sits on the chair besides me and shows me a picture Sherry sent him of Catie "it looks like she's having fun."

I sit up in bed "I hope she's being good."

"Sherry's with her, I don't think she'd ever do anything bad for her." Brad laughs

"You do have a good point."

"Do you feel any better?" Brad asks


Brad holds my hand "I'm glad you are. I hate seeing you sick."

"You're so sweet."

"I love you." Brad gets up and kisses me

I kiss him back "I love you too."

The next few hours go by slow. Brad and I talk, and laugh at stories. The nurse comes in a few times to see how I'm feeling and says I can go home by 4. Around 3:30, they come with discharge papers for Brad to fill out and I get ready to leave.

"They're sleeping." Brad whispers as we walk in the the house.

I walk in the living room and laugh "They must've been really tired."

Brad hands me a water "They said you need to drink a lot, so drink up."

"Thanks. What's for dinner?"

"I'll go see what we have." Brad walks to the kitchen and I follow sitting at the table. "Looks like pizza, chicken, steak, or burgers."

"Are you cooking"

Brad looks towards me "Yeah."

"Then steak."

"Sounds good." Brad walks outside with the steaks and a few minutes later Sherry and Catie come in the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Catie runs up to me

"Hi, sweetie!" I put her on my lap

She buries her head in my chest hugging me "You feel better?"

"A lot."

"I make you better" Catie looks up at me smiling

"You always make me feel better." I look at Sherry "Was she good?"

"Yeah, what did they tell you?"

I put Catie down "I'm dehydrated because of the morning sickness."

Sherry sits across from me "Wow. What did they do?"

"They gave me fluids through an IV. It was fun." I laugh.

"I'm glad you're better now."

Brad walks in with the steaks and we eat after Sherry leaves.

"Catie, what did you do with grandma?" Brad asks

Catie stuffs her face with food "Play animals"

I give her some more food "Did you have fun?"


"We missed you all day."

Brad gets up and puts Catie on his lap so she's closer to us "Mommy's right, we really missed you."

"next time I make mommy better." Catie smiles at us

I kiss her forehead "I hope there isn't a next time."

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