Growing up so Quickly

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"Brad, look at this." I hand him a copy of Catie's senior headshot "Look how big she's getting.  She's basically an adult."

"Jen, she's been a legal adult for a few months now." Brad wraps his arms around me, staring at the picture "She looks so much like you... and so excited for everything.  I came believe she's not the baby anymore that would scream as soon as we left her sight.  I kinda miss that."

"I do too.  Now she just screams at us if we are in sight because it means we're too close and annoying her.  Baby her was so much nicer."

"It's cool though, we're starting over in a way with Kaiden.  Cat will graduate, and a few months later he'll start.  We'll get to relive everything." He takes the picture from me, walking over to where I want it hung, and hanging it "Besides, this picture looks so much better than that last one of her that she always complained about."

"You're right, it does." I walk over to admire it "I can't wait to see him start school, and then to pick him up early because some kid pissed him off."

"Daycare part 2."

I hear the back door open after a few minutes, and little feet running up to me.  Kaid wraps his arms around my legs, wanting me to hold him.

"Hi, buddy." I pick him up, balancing him on my hip "Don't you wanna play outside anymore?"

"They're mean."

"Why are they mean?" Brad asks, walking closer "What happened?"

"They play big kid games." He sulks, burying his head in my chest "I can't play."

"Do you wanna do something else?" Brad takes him from me, throwing him around "We can have lots of fun without them."

"Brad, we probably shouldn't do that." I look out, watching the older kids play together "If we ask, they'll probably do something else for him."

"Our baby isn't going to be a baby forever." He walks towards the garage carrying Kaid who is shaking his head in agreement.

"Yeah, mommy.  I getting big."

"I know you are, buddy.  Mommy doesn't like it." I follow them out, getting into the car "What do you want to do?"

"Get ice cream and go playground!" He decides. 

Brad gets in the car shortly after, turning it on as Cat runs out to us.

"I wanna come with.  They're being annoying."

"Okay." I smile at Brad, liking that she wants to spend time with us, even if it is because she's mad at her siblings "Let's go to the playground find, we can get your ice cream later."

"No, mommy cause I'll be tired." Kaid quickly changes the plans "If I'm tired I don't get ice cream and I need ice cream to grow big like daddy and Josh."

"That's vegetables, Kaid." Brad laughs, turning towards the ice cream place "But we can stop there first."

We stop at the ice cream place, loving how excited both kids get.  It's nice to see Catie get so excited like she used to when she was Kaid's age.

"This place really doesn't change." Brad whispers, taking a picture of Kaid right in front of the sign "We have this same picture with each one of them."

"And they're all his age or younger." I add, getting emotional "I really miss my babies... just not all the hard work that comes along with it."

"You like the bitchy teenage phase more?" He pulls me closer, watching as Catie rolls her eyes at Kaiden "I think I'd rather be woken up at 3 am because their sock fell off then deal with the hormones."

"Well yeah when she acts like this.  I miss all the cuddles too."

"Mommy, I try yours." Kaid reaches over with his spoon, digging into my ice cream before I can stop him "You have mine."

I take his, noticing that it's basically empty.

"Did you take mine just so you would have extra ice cream?  That's not fair."

"I think it was smart of him." Catie says "I should have thought of that."

"You did the same all the time when you were little.  You were much smart then." Brad shares his ice cream with me "I tricked you into just sharing with us from the start eventually.  It worked out until you started eating it all before we had any."

"I smart too." Kaid smiles, wiping the ice cream from his face on his arm "I took all mommy's ice cream."

"You're a genious." Brad laughs, handing him some napkins "Now clean up so we can go to the playground."

I end up washing off most of his body, then give up and throw him in his car seat, knowing he'll just get messier at the playground anyway.

Once we get there, Catie has him out of his car seat before Brad and I can even get out of the car.  The run right up to the equipment, grabbing some slides next to each other so they can race.

"I never thought the two of them would get so close." I look over at Brad, who is watching them fiercely "I was really worried the age difference would push them apart."

"Well, she was there for him from the beginning... literally." He laughs as Kaid rolls off the slide "Since someone just had to be punished in a super weird way."

"I wanted to shut her up.  You haven't had to listen to her bitch about cramps since then, have you?"

"No, but I don't think we should be expecting grandchildren anytime soon."

I lean into him, letting him wrap his arms around me as we watch the kids run around.

"Maybe we should have forced Ally and Josh to come with." I realize how much I miss them "Even if it would have been a huge pain in the ass to have all of them here fighting."

"It's nice when all of us are together."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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