Alone Time

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"Catie be quite" I get her out of bed "Daddy and grandma are still sleeping."

She wraps my arms around my neck "beckfest" she says in her sleepy, baby voice.

"Ok, let's go downstairs." I walk down to the kitchen and put her at the table "Be quiet while I make your breakfast. Okay?"

She follows me over to the counter "Okay."

I put her on the counter "Do you want to help me?"


"What do you want?"

"Cereal." she gets the container next to her and hands it to me

I get some milk and a bowl then take it to the table for her and sit with her while she eats "Is it good?"

She nods her head and tries to finish it while making a huge mess.

"You're a big mess" I laugh "You eat like daddy."

"I done." she hands me her bowl and I clean her up.

"Let's go watch tv." I pick her up walking to the living room "What do you want to watch?"

"Minnie!" She lays on me using my belly as a pillow.

I kiss her head "You're so cute."

"Thank, mommy." she wraps her arms as far as she can around me.

"I think I hear someone!" I look behind me and see Brad. "I think it's daddy."

Catie looks "You right!"

Brad walks over and kisses me, then Catie on the forehead "Morning!"

"Hi, daddy."

"Hi, Princess!" he sits next to me and looks at Catie "You took my spot."

"No this my spot." Catie moves a little

Brad starts tickling her "No, mommy's belly is where I lay my head."

Catie tries to get Brad to stop tickling her but can't stop laughing "My spot!"

"How bout we share it?"

"Okay." Catie moves her head so Brad has room.

"This is really cute, but I would laugh really hard if she started kicking you guys in the head."

"She would never do that. She loves us too much." Brad looks at Catie "Right, Cat?"

Catie nods her head "Love her too."

My mom walks in and sits on the couch next to us "Morning."

"Morning, we didn't wake you did we?" I ask

Catie goes over to her and she picks her up "No, I was just kinda laying in bed thinking. What if I take Catie out for the day like to the movies and park or something so you guys can have a day alone?"

Brad sits up next to me "I'd like that. We haven't had one in a while."

"Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome." She puts Catie on the floor "I'll go get ready then we can go."


Brad brings out water for me then sits in the chair next to me "It's so nice out today."

"I know." I look at the sky "It's nice swimming weather."

"I think we should swim for a while." he takes off his shirt and jumps in wearing his shorts "Come on! just keep your clothes on the water feel really good."

I walk over to the steps and get in then swim over to Brad "This is nice. It's relaxing too."

"I miss doing this." Brad kisses me long and passionately "Alone time is my favorite."

"It's my favorite too. I miss all the time we used to have."

"Well, we better use it while we can. I don't think we'll have much for a few years." Brad gets up sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and this one will actually sleep."

"Wishful thinking, babe." Brad gets a towel and hands one to me as I get out.

I walk inside "I need a shower. The chlorine smell is making me sick."

"Awe, well if you aren't feeling good then I should help you shower." Brad follows me.

I get to the bathroom and start to undress while Brad starts the water and does the same.

"This is so relaxing." I say getting in the shower "It feels so good on my back."

"I think we should do this more." Brad starts rubbing my back.

"Me too. It's so nice to get a little break. I think we should sleep after this." I start to wash my hair before Brad takes over.

"You relax. Let me take care of you." He washes my hair then puts conditioner in it and washes my body.

"You're an amazing husband. You know that, right?" I kiss him

"Well when you have a wife as amazing as you are, you have to try to be amazing back." He washes out the conditioner and we get out.

I grab myself a towel and give him one "I love you."

He takes the towel from me "I love you, too."

"Let's get some sleep now. I'm tired." I grab some clothes

Brad takes the clothes from my hand and replaces them with a big t-shirt "Here wear this. It's more comfortable."

I put the t-shirt on and we get in bed.

"Can we just sleep the rest of the day? Please?" I cuddle up to Brad

He wraps his arms around me "What if we sleep a few hours then watch a movie?"

"Okay, I guess that sounds good." I close my eyes and fall asleep.

3 hours later I wake up to Brad whispering in my ear "Babe, wake up."

I rub my eyes "How long have I been sleeping? What time is it?"

"About 3 hours, and it's 5." Brad gets out of bed "I'm going to make dinner. Get dressed and come down when you're ready."

I get dressed then go down and find Brad on the patio making burgers "It smells great!"

"Thanks. Why don't you go pick a movie and I'll finish then bring it in the living room for you." Brad finishes the burgers.

I go in the living room and put Titanic in the dvd player and start it watching a few of the previews until Brad comes back.

Brad hands me my plate and a drink "I love this movie."

"Me too. It's so sad and tragic, yet so good"

"Just so you know," Brad looks in my eyes "I'd die for you in a heartbeat if we were in that situation. I'd die for you at any time."

"I love you." I lean on Brad "I don't know what I'd do without you."

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