Fun day

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Jen wakes up and rolls over expecting to see Brad, but sees a wide awake Catie sitting in Brad's spot, trying to turn on the TV instead.

"Hi mommy!" She jumps on Jen the second she sees she's awake "You up now!"

"Hi, sweetie. Where's daddy?" Jen asks, much less enthusiastic about being awake for the day.

Catie gives Jen a blank stare as she acts like she's thinking of an answer "He leaved."

Jen looks at her phone and sees a text from Brad "Hey, sorry I'm not home...we need to do a few more scenes so I'll be here pretty long. Catie was up so I put her next to you hoping she'd sleep a little longer. If you want, come around lunch and we can go somewhere. Love you."

Jen smiles at the message, texting back "We'll come for lunch. Love you too."

"Looks like it's just us today." Jen turns to see Catie "What should we do?"


"Daddy had to go into work...we're gonna go see him at lunch"

"Ok. I hungry." She replies, completely ignoring the question.

"Guess you want me to feed you?" Jen laughs and takes Catie in her room to change and dress her. Then puts her in the living room while she gets breakfast.

Catie comes running in the kitchen yelling "Mommy food!!"

"Catie, I told you before not to yell. Your food is almost ready."


"It's ok sweetie. Come here." Jen puts Catie in her highchair and gives her pieces of waffles to eat.

"I done." Catie stops eating and tries to get herself out.

"Hold on, I have to wash your face off." Jen washes her face then gets Catie out of her chair and let's her run off to play.

While she's cleaning the dishes Brad calls her:


"Hey, babe. I have a quick break I thought I'd call you."

"Aw thanks. How is it today?"

"Good. Kinda boring."


"Yeah. I miss you and Catie."

"We're gonna come for lunch. By the way do you know when she woke up? She seems kinda tired."

"Around 6...I don't think she went back to sleep when I put her with you."

"Probably not. I'll try to get her to nap a little then we'll come."

"Sounds good. Do you just wanna pick up food from that Mexican place? I don't wanna feel rushed eating."

"Sure that sounds good." Jen yells at Catie in the background, revealing that she really does need a nap "Sorry."

"What'd she do?"

"She's throwing her toys around the living room."

"Maybe it's time for a nap. I gotta get back to filming anyway."

"Okay, see you soon. love you!"

"Love you too, babe!"

Jen hangs up and goes over to pick up Catie "Time for a nap."

"No!" She fights back.

"Yes. If you don't nap then you can't come with to see daddy."  Jen holds her feet so she can't kick anymore, and carries her upstairs.

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