Back to reality

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"Do you have everything?" Brad whispers as we get close to our house

I take a quick glance around the rv "I think. Once we get back I'll do a quick run through to make sure Cat didn't hide any toys again."

Shannon pulls the RV up in our driveway "We're home."

Brad picks up Ally's seat and some bags "I'll take her in a while so she stays asleep. What time is it?"

I look at the time while I get Cat "Almost 4 am." I pick up her bag and carry her into the house "I'll lay her on the couch until we go up to bed."

John starts taking their bags out and hands me his keys "Can you open our trunk? I want start putting our stuff in."

"Do you want help?" I unlock the car and see Cat walking out towards us "When did you wake up?"

She lifts her arms up for me to hold her "I heard you."

"Okay." I pick her up "You can go back to sleep."

Shannon walks over and starts loading their car "Hopefully they all sleep in tomorrow."

"I hope. If not, I'm dropping mine off with my dad and Sherry, they miss them anyway." I laugh and hand her one of their bags "I feel like the week went by so fast."

"I think it did." she takes bags from John "We should make it a yearly thing to go there, or somewhere else."

"That would be a lot of fun. We'll have to look into it more." I give Cat to Brad when he walks by "We should probably try somewhere else then we can decide what we like the most."

We talk a little more while they pack up their things then they go home and we go up to bed.

I start to change into pajamas and Brad stops me "Do you really need to wear them? You could just sleep in that." he points out that I'm practically naked.

"Yeah, I'll sleep in this then when the girls wake up you can get them." I start to walk towards the bed "Your choice."

He takes a shirt from his side of the room and hands it to me "Wear this."

I put it on after I get in bed "That's what I thought." I move towards the middle so I'm closer to him "I love this, it smells like you."

"I'm going to wear one of yours to see if it smells like you." he gets out of bed and walks towards my closet "What would fit me?"

"I'm think there's some of my maternity shirts on the far left." I try to look over and see them "The grey one should fit."

He puts it on and walks over "Okay, well this doesn't really fit, and I don't think it smells like you."

I start to laugh at him and quickly take a picture "I wore that when I was like 9 months pregnant once, it got too small but it's been washed since."

He takes it off and gets back in bed "At least you had a reason for it not to fit."

I cuddle back up to him "I guess I did. I can't believe she's almost 3 months old already."

"I know, me too." he wraps his arms around me "I miss when she was so little and looked like me. I'm still mad that she has your natural hair."

I laugh and look up at him smiling "I'm kinda mad too. I thought she'd be more blonde like Cat, but I guess she's a mix of us."

"She is." he starts playing with my hair "I'll be honest, I'm kinda scared that our next will end up being a girl again and not a boy."

"I wouldn't be very surprised, but if it is, it is I guess." I put my head on his chest "I just really hope it's a boy so it's our last. 3 is enough for me."

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