going abroad

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"Ally, can you please sit still?" I ask her "You're going to fall off my lap if you keep jumping."

"At least she didn't fall asleep laying on you." Brad looks out the plane window "What time will it be when we get there?"

"Around 2 in the afternoon." I get Ally to sit still "I figured until we get settled and everything we can go eat and walk around or something."

He moves Cat a little "That sounds like fun. The premier is tomorrow, right?"

"Yep. it starts around 4, we have to be ready by 3."

Once Ally falls asleep we both sit quiet so we don't wake them. We're going to England for the premier of The Breakup, Brad's parents are flying out with us so it's a little family vacation.

"Brad, can you get our bags? I'll stay with them." Cat stops waking right in front of the bench and I sit her on it.

He walks back towards us "Yeah." he looks at his parents "Dad, can you come with to help?"

William follows him and Jane sits down with me "I think she's going to fall back asleep."

"She is." I pick up Cat "I want to go to sleep but I don't think that's going to happen."

"What time do you have to be at the premier?" she asks putting Ally back in her seat "We thought we would take them sightseeing."

"I think we're leaving around 3. I hope it isn't too long, but they'll probably like that."

Brad and William walk back with our bags and he takes Cat while we walk through the airport and get to our hotel.

I open the door and we walk in "Wow, this is nice."

Jane follows me putting Ally on the bed "I guess we're in the one right next to it?"

"I think so." I look for a door "Maybe it's that one."

She walks over and opens it to another room "Yeah, this is it."

I help take their stuff over "We're going to take them out a little when we're done settling in and everything. Later maybe we can go somewhere?"

"That would be a lot of fun." she smiles "I don't think we're doing anything."

"We'll let you know when we're back." I go help Brad unpack "Do you think they're going to sleep long?"

"I doubt it." he puts some of his clothes away "To be honest I kinda hope they don't, I wanna go eat."

I look at the time "Oh, wow, it's already almost 5. I guess we weren't really on time."

"That, and the airport was a pain in the ass to walk through." he takes his suit out "Where should I put this?"

I open the closet "There's hangers in here, can you get my dress from the bag too?"

He hands me both "That dress looks really nice."

"Thanks." I hang them up "It's kinda loose so I hope it works out good."

"I'm sure it will." he sits in the chair and pulls me on his lap "You're going to look beautiful."

"And you're going to look so handsome." I look up and kiss him "Like always."

He kisses my forehead "They aren't going to be paying attention to me when you're there."

"True." I laugh "It still means a lot that you cone with."

"I love being with you." he just holds me in his arms for a while "It'll be fun."

When the girls wake up we take them out for dinner and get stuck waiting for a table.

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