He's going to be so loved.

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"Have fun at school, guys!" I hug the kids quickly as they all jump out of the car. Brad and I are dropping them off before going to my doctor appointment.

"Jennifer Pitt?"

Brad and I get up and follow the nurse back into the exam room where I sit on the table while he stays on the chair next to me. I think about the last time I was in one of these rooms, and was this pregnant, and it brings back so many memories from when the kids where little. It seems like so long ago now.

"Hi! Sorry for keeping you waiting, we just had some problems that needed solved." The doctor walks in and shakes our hands before taking a seat across from us "How was your vacation? You seemed very excited about it last time I saw you."

"It was great! We had lots of fun." I try to think back on anything that might be worth telling her about myself "The only problem was my morning sickness, but that's the same no matter where I am."

"Well that's good to hear. Hopefully sometime soon the sickness will go away. You've had problems with your previous pregnancies, right?"

"Yeah," Brad answers for me "She had it terrible with the second, and third.  She endes up in the emergancy room for dehydration at least once with each."

She takes notes down in my chart, and then puts some gloves on grabbing some equipment to do some blood tests "I just need to do some routine blood work to make sure that everything is okay. This should only take a few minutes at the lab." She gets the blood and has a nurse run it down to the lab while she finishes the rest of the exam.

"Can you please follow me?" She asks opening the door. I follow her out into the hallway where she weighs me, then back into the room where she takes a measurement of my rapidly growing belly, then sit back down and wait for her to come back in with my lab results.

"Brad," I look up at him not knowing how to feel, "I gained 30 pounds since I was here last. That's like a month."

"Okay, first, it's been longer than a month, more like 2." He looks at me laughing at my reaction "And second, your almost 8 months pregnant. You're GOING to gain weight. It's kinda part of the package."

"But 30 pounds. That's a lot. 40 since I got pregnant and I still have a month." I laugh not really believing this "What if he's like 15 pounds or something?"

"You're paranoid." He jokes as the doctor walks back in.

"Well, I have good news, your blood work came back good, and both you and the baby seem to be healthy, and growing at a good rate." She looks up at Brad and I ready for us to say something "Any questions?"

"Yeah," I sit up "Do you have any idea how much he'll weigh at birth?"

"Well, I have no definite answer, but based on the size now I'd say around 8 pounds. I can schedule an ultrasound for your next appointment, and that should give us a better idea."

"Thank you!" Brad and I get up to leave, and decide that we're going to pick up the kids since they get out early, then go home and work on the nursery all together as a family.

"How was school?" I ask the kids as they get in the car. None of them answer, so I take it they either got lots of work, or they just rather not talk about it.

Brad decides this is a good time to tell them what we have planned, since this way they can't run "We decided we're all going to work on the nursery when we get home." We need to paint it and put together the furniture. They don't say much, so we take it as they're liking the idea, and drive to the store to get everything we need. I take this as a chance to buy some baby clothes since we don't have much.

"We'll meet you at the front?" I ask. Brad nods, and walks towards the furniture with Josh while I go to the clothes followed by the girls.

They both pick out a few things for when he's a little older, and I look at some new born and month old stuff. Everything is so cute, but I know not to buy it all, even though I really want to. The girls seem to be having the same problem, because when I see them they have lots more than we'll be needing, but I let them get it anyway. I can't hurt to have too many baby clothes, it just means less wash to do.

"Mom, look at this!" Ally holds up a funny shirt for me that has a funny saying about family on the stomach area "You should get it." I like it, so I find one in my size and put that in the cart with the rest of the clothing, "Okay, I think it's time to meet your dad and Josh now."

We walk to the front of the store where we're meeting them, and pay for everything we got after listening to Brad complain saying we got too much.

"You're spoiling him," He looks at me as we're loading everything in the car "One baby does not need all these clothes."

"They're cute, and some are for when he's older, so shut up and drive home."

He does as I say, a little scared of what I might do if he doesn't listen, and a few minutes later we're pulling up our driveway. Everyone grabs a bag and we start carrying everything inside. Since Brad won't let me help carry the furniture, I start a load of wash with what we bought so we can start putting it away.

"Okay, we'll do the furniture in the hallway, girls start painting." Brad has taken over and given us our instructions. I decide to paint the wall that is going to be blue, and let the girls paint the other grey walls to make it go faster.

"This is going to be a really cute room!" Catie looks around around everything "But I kinda wish he wasn't right next to me, what if he cries all night?"

I laugh "He'll be in our room the first few weeks anyway, and you're the one who decided to change her room." She decided a few months ago she wanted to be in one with a bathroom connected.

We finish painting, so I tell the girls to clean up everything while I switch the wash and make us some snacks. I grab some crackers and peanut butter since I don't feel like making everything and take it up along with a few water bottles.

"We're done with the furniture," Brad sits across from me "All we have to do is move it. Why don't you go take a nap or something?" I give in knowing that he would make me anyway, and go to lay on our bed.

A few hours later, after everything is done, Brad joins me "We finished all the clothes and everything. It's all put away."

"Thank you." I roll over and kiss him "I can't believe he'll be here soon."

"I know." Brad rubs my belly causing him to start kicking again "I don't think you're going to make it until after Christmas. I think the kids are gonna have an early Christmas present."

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