Christmas surprises

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Instead of waking up to the girls excited about opening Christmas presents I wake up sick with morning sickness running to the bathroom closing the door so Brad doesn't hear. Hiding this from him for the past 2 weeks has been really hard, especially going to the doctor for my first appointment and not telling him. I can't wait for him to open his present today and finally find out what I've been hiding from him. I go back and lay in bed for a while until I hear Cat walk in our room.

"Mommy, daddy, wake up! It Christmas!" she climbs on our bed "We want presents."

I sit up and put her on my lap "Let's go GET Ally while daddy gets ready."

Brad gets out of bed and walks over to us "I think you were bad and won't get any presents." He teases Cat

"I was really good!" she walks out of the room and I laugh and follow her "Mommy she wants out." She points to Ally standing in her crib yelling "Mama!" as I walk in.

I pick her up and change and feed her while we wait for Brad "Go see of daddy's ready yet." I tell her and she runs over to our room.

A minute later Brad comes over with her and we all go downstairs. He separates the presents and we watch Cate open hers.

She looks at each one carefully then yells to us what it is "It's a book, clothes, movies, toys, more toys, a cat that moves by its own..." She runs over and hugs both of us then helps Ally open some of hers.

I sit on Brad's lap taking pictures of the girls smiling and playing with all of their gifts until Ally starts playing with the wrapping paper and Cat continues to play with hers. I pull Brad over to the corner of the room and hand him two boxes. One with the surprise and one with the watch.

He looks at me surprised "I thought we agreed we were only getting each other one thing?"

I just smile and push the box with the watch closer to him "Trust me, you'll like it."

He pulls me back onto his lap and opens it "I love this." I show him where the hidden picture is and he opens that part "This is great, babe. Thanks so much." he kisses me and reaches for the next one and opens it to find the surprise I've been hiding. He holds up the sonogram picture and the picture of the positive test looking at me teary eyed "This better not be some sick joke."

I lean in and kiss him sweetly "It isn't. I've known for about 2 weeks but I wanted to surprise you this time. I went to the doctor last week and she said that I'm about a month pregnant and everything looks good."

He just stays there silent for a while with his arms wrapped tightly around me "I'm so excited! I can't believe you kept this from me for so long, how?"

"I'm not sure, really. I haven't really been getting morning sickness too bad so that really helped." I lean into his chest for a while "So, when do we tell the girls and our parents?"

"Wherever you're ready." he looks at the time "They should all be here pretty soon, but I think we should wait to tell the girls for a month or two just to be sure of everything."

"That's a good idea." I get up and start to clean some of the mess the girls made "Cat, can you put your toys to the side so we don't accidentally throw them away?"

She moves them all to the side and helps Ally do the same "When do we eat?"

"When the food is ready." I go to the kitchen and check on the food "It should be done soon." I pick up Ally and take Cat's hand "I'm gonna get them ready and get dressed, Can you finish cleaning?"

He picks up some of the wrapping paper and throws it away "I'll come with you quickly, I have to get ready too." he takes Ally from me and walks upstairs "What do you want her wearing?"

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