Let's go to Canada

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The alarm goes at 6 and I look over to see Brad, but notice he isn't there. I walk into the living room and see my mom playing with Catie, but still no sign of Brad "Where's Brad?"

"Someone called him."

I sit down with Catie "Okay. So, what are you guys doing?"

"We're playing mommy." Catie hands me some toys "You play."

"I see that sweetie." I look at my mom "Did she wake you?"

"No. I came downstairs and Brad was up with her." She says as she picks up the toys Catie gave her to play with.  We play for a while until Brad walks back in.

He walks over, setting his phone on the table and sitting next to me "That was my mom."

"Is something wrong?" I ask

"No. She was making sure that we are here and wanted to know when we leave here." Brad says

Nancy looks at the time and starts to get up "It's 6:30, do you guys want breakfast? I can make waffles or pancakes."

I hand Catie back her toys and start walking towards our room "I'm actually not hungry.  I'll just grab something at the airport."

Brad walks over, stopping me before I can get in the room "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just feel a little weird. I'm probably just excited."

"Do you want some, Brad?" Nancy asks

"Yeah, thanks." He picks up Catie and they go into the kitchen to eat.

"I'm gonna repack what we used awhile I'll be back out then." I say walking to our room

(Brad's POV)

"Is she okay?" Nancy asks kinda quietly.

"Yeah. She was nervous about the vacation from the start. I think that's it." I answer her, setting Catie at the table so she can eat "She'll be fine."

"Okay, makes sense. These are done." Nancy says putting the waffles on a plate.

I sit down and cut one up for Catie. "Thanks for making them. They're really good."

Nancy smiles "You're welcome."

We talk a little and finish eating

"Can you watch her for a little? I wanna see if Jen needs help packing." I ask getting up.

"Sure. let me know when you guys are ready."

"Will do.

(Jen's POV )

I hear Brad walking towards our room and I make it look like I'm packing.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks me

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer, hoping he believes it and moves on.

"You don't look 'fine'. What's wrong, babe?"

Shit he figured it out "Nothing. I'm just really nauseous."

"Does that mean you might be pregnant?  I know we just started trying, but it's not like we never have sex."

I sigh, knowing how excited he is "It's still too soon to know from last night, and we normally remember protection..."

"But there have been other times recently, and we both know from Catie that protection does not always work." He says.

"You're right. I guess it's a possibility." I say

"Then take a test." He begs

"I don't have one. I don't really wanna ruin the trip either. This is supposed to be for my mom and Catie."

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