She's responsible enough

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"Are you sure she can handle this?" I ask Brad for the hundredth time.

"Yes." He sighs walking over to me "We won't be out too long, and she knows to call us if she has any problems."

"Fine, but I should feed him again before we leave. I don't want him to get hungry and start crying."

"He's fine, Jen. You just fed him, and there are two bottles in the fridge." Brad walks me towards the door "We're leaving." He shuts the garage door behind us, and practically pushes me to the car. I get in, and instantly have thousands of thoughts of what can go wrong. This is the first time that Catie is alone with all of them.

We get to the restaurant and take our seats at a private corner table hoping not to be noticed.

"See, they're fine." Brad shows me a picture Catie sent him. Ally is laying on the couch with Kaid snuggled up in her lap, and Josh is laying next to them.

"Yeah," I reply softly. I look at the menu for a while, then we order our food, and are left to talk about anything but the kids.

"You look beautiful." He leans across the table to kiss me "I really love your dress."

I look down to remember what I'm wearing. A short sleeve black dress with some white accent designs on it.

"Thanks." I smile across at him "You look good too."

Catie's POV
"We should probably put him to bed." I suggest holding a very tired Kaiden "Maybe then we can watch movies." They agree, so Josh follows me to mom and dad's room, and Ally goes to the kitchen to get a bottle, then meets us upstairs.

"Here's his bottle."

I start to feed him, but as soon as I start he starts screaming.

"Maybe he needs changed?" Josh asks. Ally takes him from me and lays him on the changing table. As soon as his diaper is off he screams even louder.

"Good job! Now he's even more upset." I complain directing my anger towards Josh.

"At least I had an idea!" He snaps back.

Ally finishes changing Kaid and starts to walk out of the room.

"You guys yelling isn't going to help anything." She carries him down to the living room "He needs quiet if you want him to fall asleep." She is so much like mom sometimes it's crazy.

"Well maybe if he actually had good ideas." I mumble under my breath as I walk downstairs. Josh must hear, because he starts to look upset and turns to go to his room. I don't say anything anything to him, but I don't really want him to be upset.

"What do mom and dad do?" Ally looks at me "When he won't sleep?"

"I don't know, normally mom can get him to sleep at night." I take Kaid "He can't cry too much longer."

Brad's POV

"Let's go sit over at the bar," I stand up and hold Jen's hand "You need a drink."

She follows me over and we find stools to sit at, then I order each of us a drink. I notice her playing with hers more than drinking it.

"Babe, you love those."

"I know," She sighs "It's just weird drinking again. It's been almost a year now."

"And that's why you need it." I laugh. She smiles back at me starting to drink, and it makes me even happier.

Ally's POV

"Maybe we should just call mom."

"We can't do that," She sits down on the couch and lays Kaid in her lap "This is their first time without him since he's born. 3 months is a long time."

"Okay." I try to think of different things we can do.

"I know! He loves walks. What if we walked him around the yard in his stroller?"

"Yeah, that might work." Catie smiles and gets everything ready. I get Josh to come with us, and we go to the yard.

We walk around the whole yard twice before he finally calms down a little. He starts to get quieter, and we notice a few minutes later that he's asleep. We keep walking a little longer just to make sure that he isn't going to wake up again, then take him inside and put him to bed.

Jen's POV

"I hope he isn't give them too much trouble." I look back at Brad as I unlock the back door. The house isn't a disaster, which gives me some hope.

"Where are they?" Brad follows me inside "It's really quiet."

I don't answer, but walk into the living room where I see Catie, Josh and Ally all laying fast asleep on the couch.

"They're so cute."

Brad wraps his arms around me "We have a pretty cute family."

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