let's tell the family

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Since we aren't doing anything and need to tell them anyway I call my dad and Sherry to come over.

"Hey, are you guys ok?" Sherry practically runs in ouour house.

"Yeah, what's the rush?" My dad follows. Clearly we freaked them out a little when we told them to get over here fast.

"We have to tell you something. It's really important." Brad looks over to me and I look at Catie

"Catie do you wanna tell them?"

"Baby!!" Catie yells

"You're pregnant?!?" Both my dad send Sherry ask equally shocked and excited.

I look at Brad and smile "Yep. About a month."

Sherry comes over and hugs me "That's awesome! I'm so happy for you guys!"

My dad comes over "Me too! When did you find out?"

"Yesterday" Brad says "We also looked at some houses and we're gonna try to buy one of them."

"It's kinda close to you guys and about 5 mins away from his parents."

"That's great! So when are you due?" ~John

"November 13th" ~ Brad

"I'm so happy you guys are finally having another!"~John

"I am too."

"When are you moving?"~ Sherry

"As soon as we can. I hope within the next few weeks everything is settled."~Brad

"let us know if you need help with anything."~Sherry



"Mommy we play?" Catie brings toys over to me.

"Okay. let's go in the living room, daddy's busy."

"You have piggy." Catie gives me her pig

"What are you?"

"The cat." Catie says

"Cat is close to your name."


"Yeah. We used to call you 'Cat' when you were a baby."

We play with her animals for a while until Brad comes in.

"Hey, babe, we got the house." Brad sits next to me.

"Already? How?"

"They took the offer. We have to go and sign and get keys tomorrow." Brad smiles

"That's awesome!"

Brad kisses me sweetly "I know. I feel like a lot is happening."

"I can't wait to move! I know there's some changes we have to do but it's happening so fast."

"Mommy!" Catie pulls my hair

"Don't pull my hair sweetie. What do you want?"

"Play animals!"

"Not right now. I'm talking to daddy."

"Now!" Catie yells throwing stuffed animals at me.

"Catie don't throw!" Brad says taking the stuffed animals she threw.

"Yes throw!" She throws more at Brad and hits him when he takes them from her.

Brad takes her to the couch and makes her sit there while we finish talking.

"So we should probably get the yard done then work inside. There isn't much other than painting."

"Good idea. What color are we doing our room?" Brad asks sitting on the chair

"I don't know. Maybe a light chocolate brown or a burnt orange?"I sit on Brad's lap

"I like burnt orange. What about Catie's room and the nursery?"

"Catie can pick hers and the nursery will be neutral unless we find out the sex first or just wait to paint it."

"Maybe it's best just to wait." Brad pulls me closer to him.

I lean up and kiss him "I'm so excited for all of this to finally happen."

AUTHORS NOTE: I didn't necessarily want to reveal the gender so soon, but because of the name contest I am going to. I'm going to Post a riddle below and from that riddle you'll find what the general is. Once you have figured out the answer to the riddle message me on here or on my twitter (jgwiflyingpony) and if you know my KIK you can message me on there with the answer. To be able to help name the baby you need to follow these guidelines:

1: At least 3 names.

2: Must have at least one nickname.

3: When you message me you must have the right answer. NO SECOND ENTREES!

In mommy's belly I will grow

Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes

Some don't know what my gender will be

Although you might already see

Guess if I'm a girl or boy

I'm sure either way, you'll jump for joy

Read this riddle with great care

Look really close, but please don't share!

~Mari :)

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