The video

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"Brad, why did you have to post that picture? Now everyone basically knows that I'm pregnant." I ask clearly annoyed "You could've cut off our bodies."

"The two of you laying together was too cute. I didn't think about others noticing, I guess I'm just used to it." he looks through his notifications "There aren't too many people, and you're already almost 6 months you can't really hide it anymore."

I pull my phone out "I'm posting the video. They already know now anyway." I walk away from him out of anger and post it along with a message leaving a clue as to what it is.

"Jen" he's careful since he knows he pissed me off "I'm sorry, really, but aren't you glad that the people who said it were happy?"

I calm down and think for a while "Yes, I am, but they didn't need to find out by a bunch of them saying I gained a lot of weight or am fat."

"Don't listen to them." he comes over and hugs me "You aren't fat, not even close. And if you were that doesn't even matter, I doesn't change the person you are." he let's me cry on his shoulder for a while "We all love you. Just remember that."

I stop crying and fix my face a little "I love you guys too. Thank you."

He takes my phone and looks at all the responds "See they figured it out, and they're excited!"

I look at some of them and smile "Do you think I should post something confirming what they think?"

"Yeah, you probably should." he posts a message to confirm that I am pregnant and gives me back my phone "I was thinking about it the other day, and I think you're right, we should send Catie to preschool."

"Are you sure? I know how you felt about it." I walk over and sit on the couch watching the girls play "We only have to send her if you really want to."

"I want to. She'll like it and learn a lot." He sits down next to me "it'll really help her for next year."

I pull Ally up to sit with us and she plays a little with her toys while sitting on my lap "Brad, give me your hand." he does so and I put it on my stomach "You can feel really light kicks."

He keeps his hand there feeling it for a while "That's amazing. I can't wait until I can feel them more."

"I love it when they're really light, it feels like butterflies." I move closer to Brad and lean on him a little "What should we do today?"

He looks out at the yard "It looks nice out. Why don't we swim a little and then we can all just play outside? I can make burgers or something for dinner."

"That sounds like fun." I get Cat to come over to us "Do you wanna go play outside today and swim?"

"Yeah!" she pulls me off the couch "We get dressed."

Brad gets up and follows us taking Ally from me "I'll get her, you worry about you and Cat."

I take Cat to her room and get her bathing suit on and find her pool toys and a towel then let her sit in her room while I go and get changed.

"Brad, can you tie this?" I ask as he walks in the room. He does so and I find what I need and get ready to leave "Is Ally in her room?"

"Yeah, that's where I left her." he walks up behind me "I'll get her, they said you aren't supposed to be carrying her."

"It's just for a minute, I'm fine." I start walking towards her room and he stops me "Fine, I'll get Cat and go out a while."

We go out into the pool and Cat plays with her toys while we try to get Ally to swim with us using her flooties.

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