Are we ready for this?

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Today's the first day Cat will be going to her preschool. Brad and I decided that she will only be going half days until she really starts to like it. We get up at 6:30 and I get her dressed while Brad makes breakfast.

"Mommy, you stay with me?" She asks as I help her with her pants "I don't wanna be alone."

I finish buttoning her pants and pull her closer to me "I can stay for a few minutes, but you have to get used to being places without daddy and I always with you. You'll make new friends there."

"But I don't want to go, I wanna play here with Ally." She starts crying into my chest "I stay here."

"You have to go, sweetie, just for a few hours." I do her hair quickly then take her hand to start walking downstairs "Daddy and I will take you then pick you up when it's time to leave."

Once we get downstairs we sit with Brad to eat breakfast then I get Ally and we get in the car to leave.

"You're going to have lots of fun." Brad reassures Cat "You'll make lots of new friends and then you can invite them to your party."

"Still don't want to go." She crosses her arms complaining "I won't like it."

I get her out of her car seat once we get there and lean down in front of her to talk "You're going weather you want to or not. You might not like it now, but you will soon. These kids are the kids you'll be going to school with, so you need to meet them soon anyway." I walk with her into the room that we sign in and the lady starts showing her the different things she can do.

Brad walks in shortly after holding Ally's hand and he hugs Cat goodbye "You can tell me how it went when we come to pick you up."

She tightens her grip on him "You stay."

He gives me Ally and follows Cat over to a table where some kids are drawing and helps her talk to some of them and draws for a while until we decide it's time to go "We'll see you later." He says as we leave.

Once we get in the car I stare out the window for a while then look at the time and realize it's already almost 9:30 "We should stop at your parents for a little until we have to pick her up."

He turns the car to go towards their house "I didn't think it would be that hard for her, I thought she would want to go."

"Me too. She'll be fine, she was getting along pretty good with the other kids that were drawing." I get Ally out once we get to his parents "I guess we'll see how it was in a few hours."

He takes Ally from me and walks in the house putting her down "Where are they? It's 9:30 they should be up."

Jane walks in holding Ally a few minutes later "You guys are here early. Everything okay?"

"Were on our way back from dropping Cat off at daycare so we thought we'd stop by." Brad finds some crackers for Ally to eat "Did we wake you?"

"Not really. Your dad was half asleep and she ran in and started climbing around on the couch. It was actually pretty funny." Jane gets some other food and puts it on the table "When do you pick her up?"

"12, she's just there for a few hours the first few days." I pick Ally up and put her on my lap so she doesn't make a mess while eating "She wasn't too happy about going."

"Did you bribe her with candy?" Jane asks "That's what we did with Brad."

"No, she wasn't that bad." I laugh "She just wanted us to stay so we did for a little until she was playing then we left."

"She wouldn't let go of me when I first said bye." Brad sits down at the table with us "She made me sit with her for a while."

William walks in the kitchen and plays with Ally for a while, then he sits with the rest of us "You guys all look upset. She'll be fine."

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