Canada part 3

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We're at this really cute little park with Shannon, her husband, and kids.

"Mommy, slide!" Catie says to me

"Why don't you go with Morgan? She wants to play with you."

"Okay." She says as my mom follows them over to the slide

"Are you guys going to the fireworks at Niagara Falls tonight?" Shannon asks me

"I don't know. I've heard they're really cool." I say

"We have tickets for a private area. We go at least once a year they're amazing. You guys should come with. It's a nice area the kids can run around without us worrying." She says trying to convince me

"It sounds like fun!" I look at Brad "You wanna go?"

Brad answers "We'll go. What time?"

Shannon's husband (Lets call him Bob) answers "They start around 8:30. We normally leave around 7."

"Okay. So we'll leave here around like 4? I wanna do a little shopping." I say

"Sounds good to me. The shops down the street are really good. You can get really cool stuff. " Shannon says.

"Awesome. Wanna come with? You seem to know your way around here and it'll be pretty fun." I ask

"Sure. That sounds like fun."


"This is really cute!" I hold up a top that I like.

"You should get it. The color brings out your eyes."

"I think I will. Have you seen my mom? I lost her when we got here" I laugh

"I think she's over at the jewelry" Shannon says

I look over "Okay. Thanks. I'm gonna go look at some of the maternity clothes I need more."

"You're pregnant?" Shannon asks

"Yeah. I guess we didn't tell you. I'm only around a month so we haven't announced it or anything." I respond.

"Oh, wow, congratulations! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks so much!" I walk over to what I want to look at.

I end up getting a few tops, pants and some things for Catie and Brad then we go home and it's 6.

Catie runs up to me as we walked in "Mommy! We eating!"

I bend down "We are?"

"Yeah daddy dinner" She says pulling me into the kitchen

"Hey, did you get anything good" Brad walks over and kisses me

"A few shirts and pants. I got some things for you and Catie too." I say putting the bags on the table

"presents?" Catie asks

"When you're done eating." I tell her

"Grandma hungry?" Catie walks over to my mom

She picks her up "I am."

We eat the dinner Brad made us then wait for Shannon, Bob, and the kids to come.

My mom answers the door "Hi guys! Come in."

Morgan and Catie play for a little when we get there and I hold Tony (yes, I'm using a name from my Justifer story, lol.)

"He's so cute!" I look down at him.

"Maybe you'll have a boy." Shannon says

"Maybe. I'd kinda like another girl, then a boy that way they're close." I watch the girls play "I think Cat would really like a sister."

"I want anoter girl. I'd like a boy, but I love girls." Brad says

"I wanted another girl, you get close to them." Bob laughs "But I guess Tony's okay, too." He jokes.

Shannon laughs "You better never say that to him."

"I want you guys to have a girl, then a boy. I love when girls are really young." My mom says

I smile "That's what I want."

The fireworks start and the girls come over to us so they can watch them.

"Look! Colors!!" Catie yells to all of us

My mom smiles "What are the color?"

"Pink, purple, and blue" Catie says seriously even though she's wrong, she just wanted an excuse to talk.

"Aw, you're lucky you're cute, Catie." My mom says pulling Catie onto her lap.

I get a blanket out of our bag "Here, mom, use this."

She takes it from me "Thanks, Jen."

Brad and I sit a little behind them so it's kinda private.

"It's so amazing!"

"It really is. And so romantic." He kisses me.

"That too." I smile and look at my mom and Catie "I love seeing her with Catie."

Brad smiles "I love it too, they really love each other."

"I'm so glad they do. I was thinking it would be different." I say leaning into Brad

"I was thinking earlier, I think we should move. We need more room with this baby and we'll need more if we have another." Brad says

I smile "Really?! That's great!"

"How many rooms were you thinking?" Brad asks

"Well. we need at least 3 now, 4 if we have another, and I want a playroom for them, and a spare room. So at least 5, we can always make the basement a playroom or something."

"What if we get one with guest house? That way we have one or two spare, and guests can have privacy."

"That sounds like a good idea." I smile

We watch the fireworks for a while then go home and watch tv until we all fall asleep on the couch.

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