Little pumpkins

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"Ally can you please stay still? I need to change you and get you dressed so we can go." I try to get her to sit still but she wont.

"No!" She yells running around until she runs right into her crib and starts crying.

I walk over and hold her a little until she stops "See, you need to listen to me." I get her to lay down so I can change her then I get some boots, her outfit and a sweater "Okay, you can play again now until daddy and I are ready."

I go and make sure that Cat is dressed then I go to our room where Brad is and I try to find some clothes "I don't know if I have anything that will really fit." I throw some of my shirt around until I find a Navy blue tank top that fits "I guess this will work." I say as I grab a jacket and put my shoes on.

"You look nice. We kinda match, too." Brad says pointing out that he's wearing jeans and a Navy shirt, too "What was wrong with Ally? I heard crying."

"She was running around and wouldn't let me dress her, then she ran into her crib." I grab my purse and tell the girls we're ready then we get in the car and go to the pumpkin patch.

"Mommy, do I keep my own?" Cat asks as I get her out of the car and points to a huge pumpkin "I want that one."

"Daddy has to be able to carry the one that you pick unless you carry it yourself." I stand at the car holding her hand so she doesn't run off waiting for Brad and Ally "You get to do a lot of different things here." I can tell she's interested so I go on telling her "You can pick a pumpkin, go through a maze, paint the pumpkin, go on a hayride and maybe play some games."

Brad finally walks to the other side of the car where Cat and I am carrying Ally "Do you want me to get her stroller? I can't carry her and pumpkins and I'm not letting you carry them."

I walk over and open the trunk, getting her stroller out and wait for Brad to out her in it "There's no way she'll walk the whole time. Should we go do the hayride first? Before the line is too long."

Brad takes the stroller pushing it towards the ticket line and gets out tickets then we follow him over to the line for the ride "Look, those people already got their pumpkins." He points out the people on their way back to the girls "That's gonna be you guys soon."

"I hope the ride isn't too bumpy." I watch closely as the tractor comes back towards us "At least there's seats on it."

"You should be fine." Brad picks Cat up and leans her on the stroller since she's complaining about standing "It's starting to get a little cold. Maybe we shouldn't have come to one an hour north."

"The only one around us is small, it's fall, it's supposed to be kinda chilly." I look around at the different food stands "I'll go get us some hot chocolate." I get Brad and I each one then walk back and hand him his "It's about 53° right now."

He gives Cat a little of his and puts her back down so she's standing "I put a blanket over Ally, she looked kinda cold, and I don't want her to get sick." He gets Ally out and puts the stroller to the side once we get to the hayride and we get on then go out to pick our pumpkins.

"Daddy, can I have this one?" Cat ask Brad trying to pick one up

He quickly gets it for her so she doesn't hurt herself "If this is the one you want. Can you help Ally pick one now?" She does what he asks and finds one so Brad gets that too, then we pick out a bigger one and put them back on the tractor.

Cat takes my hot chocolate and drinks the little that's left of it "We go back now?"

"Soon, once everyone is done picking theirs." I pull her next to me to help keep her warm and we start to head back once everyone is done. We go over to the games and the girls get their faces painted, then we go over to the corn maze after putting the pumpkins in the car.

"Mommy look!" Ally yells pointing to the scarecrow pulling on my pants leg letting me know she's scared.

I lean down to where she's sitting in the stroller "It's okay, sweetie, he can't get you." I walk next to her holding her hand until she finally let's go a few minutes later "Cat, stay back here with us, I don't want to lose you."

"That the end!" She yells pointing towards and opening I can hardly see

"It might be!" Brad says getting her and Ally really excited "Maybe you guys can help mommy make some pumpkin bread when we get home."

"Maybe I was going to go home and take a nap." I say directed towards Brad then see Cat's face go from excited to upset "Okay, we can make something." We finish the maze then Cat and Ally make some pumpkin drawings before we get back in the car to get home.

"Well, it's looks like we're going to be in the car about 2 hours until we finally get home." Brad looks at the girls in the back "And they're both asleep."

I must have fallen asleep too, because I wake up to Brad telling me we're home. I get out and the girls are both awake so I go in the kitchen and get the things out to carve the pumpkins "Daddy's going to do this part so you don't hurt youself."

Brad carves the pumpkins while the girls and I watch then he cleans up and gives them paint and markers "Just try to keep everything on the pumpkins and not you or the house."

Ally takes her paint and basically dumps it on her pumpkin then holds her hands up showing us the mess "I'm done!"

Brad picks her up and takes her to the sink helping her wash her hands then let's her run around "Be careful around the table." He helps me clean up her paint mess then does the same with Cat.

I get put what I need to make pumpkin rolls and set it on the counter then have the girls help me get the pans ready while I do the rest and put them in the oven. I start to make the filling "Cat, do you want to mix this for a little?"

She pulls a chair up to the counter and mixes it for a little then hands me the spoon "You do it."

I finish mixing it then the oven beeps so I get the rolls out and roll them up right away then put them in the fridge "In about ten minutes we can get them out and put the icing in the middle then in an hour we can eat them."

Brad moves the bowl over to the table where he and the girls eat the leftover icing while I do the dishes "It smells really good in here." He says bringing me the bowl "I love when you make these."

I finish cleaning up everything while Brad plays with the girls and in an hour when we can eat I take some into the living room for all of us. Ally gets it all over her face, and Cat loves it. Brad and I sit together watching them.

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