Holidays begin

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Authors note: If you don't celebrate Christmas, and don't want to read about the actual holiday, shopping or decorating please skip reading this part and the next. Anything important with be talked about at later points in the story so you won't really be missing anything.

I put Ally in her car seat while Cat gets in hers then get in the front of the car "Are you excited to get daddy something for Christmas?"

"Yeah, I get him a lot!"

"Are you going to get him something from Ally, too?" I ask as I start driving

Cat thinks for a while then answers me "I think him a lot of things from both of us."

I smile at how excited she is "Are you excited to see all your presents?"

"Yeah!" she starts to play with her toys "What are you getting daddy?"

"I don't know yet." I think about the present I already know I'm giving him and decided to tell Cat otherwise "I'll have to look at different things while you are." I pull into a parking lot and get Ally then help Cat out of the car "Make sure you hold my hand, it's probably busy here." I put Ally's car seat in the top of the cart and put Cat in the bottom part "What should we look at first?"

Cat thinks for a while then looks around and notices some books "We get him books?" she asks "So he can read them to me."

I walk over towards the books "That sounds like a good idea. How about you pick 4, 2 from you and 2 from Ally?"

She stands up in the cart to see the better and picks out a few "We get these?" she shows them to me.

I look at them and put them in the cart next to her "What else should we get him? Or should we make him something?"

"Make him something." she sits back down so I can start walking again.

We get to the craft isle and I get some paint, glitter, glue and a few ornaments "Do you think that's enough, or should we get more?"

"That enough." she looks through everything "Now what?"

"Let's get him some clothes." I walk over to the men's section and hold up a funny Christmas shirt "Should we get him this?"

Cat nods and looks at a Santa hat "This too!" she gives it to me

"Okay." I put them both in the cart "Now I'm going to get him something." I end up picking out a watch with a secret compartment where I can put a mini version of his favorite picture from our wedding. I pay for all our stuff then get the girls in the car and go home "Do you want to make daddy's presents now before we decorate?"

Cat moves her chair over to the table "Yeah. We start with ornaments?"

I put Ally on my lap so she can 'help' make her "if that's what you want." I get a flat ornament out and the paint "Do you want you hand red, green, gold or silver?"

"Gold." she puts her hand out for me to paint

I finish and press her hand on the ornament "Keep your hand there while I make Ally's." I pant silver on Ally's hand and try my best to press it on the ornament without her messing it up "All done."

Cat shows me her messy hand "I wash this now?"

"Yeah, let's go to the sink." I wash her hand then Ally's and let them play while I clean up our mess and write messages for Brad on each of the ornaments. I quickly wrap all of the presents along with my special one and put them in the living room playing with the girls until Brad comes home with the tree we picked out.

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