Baby is growing up

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"Girls can you please get the cake batter where it's supposed to go?" I look over to see it falling out of the cupcake tins and onto the table "People would like to eat them."

"You're taking all the fun away," Catie laughs as she looks at my cake "Our will be so much better."

Today is Kaid's first birthday, as well as his party, and we decided that we're going to have homemade cake and cupcakes instead of buying them.

"Momma?" A faint voice calls out to me. I feel a little tug on my pants and look down to see Kaid. He must have just woken up from his nap.

"Hi, buddy!" I pick him up balancing him on my hip "Happy birthday!" He giggles at me and tries to get some of the cake batter.

"You are so much like your father." I laugh. He gets out of my arms and runs up to Josh who is waiting for him. They go out to the yard to find Brad who is setting up the party games.

I get out the blue and green icing that we picked out and start to icing the cake. To make it look cool I switch between blue and green all over making it look tie dyed.

"That looks really good," Brad walks up behind me "I can't wait to eat it."

"Well, you have to get him to share. He was already trying to get some earlier." I laugh.

He goes back out to finish what he was doing, and Josh and I take Kaid to get him ready while the girls finish the cupcakes.

"Come on, buddy you have to get cleaned up." I try to get Kaid to pick out his bath toys faster, but it doesn't work.

"Look, Kaid, there's bubbles!" Josh splashes his hand around in the water. Kaid runs right over and jumps into the tub so that he can play.

"You excited for your party?" I distract him as I clean him off "You get lots of cake and presents."

"Yeah!" He squeals jumping around. Josh laughs and helps hold him still so that I can finish cleaning him, then holds him in his towel so I can dress him. I finish getting him dressed in his batman costume since it's a superhero party and let him run outside to Brad and the guests.

He runs up to the bouncy house right away pulling Josh with him to play. Other kids run up to join him, and within a few minutes it's full of bouncing kids. They're all smiling and laughing showing off how high they can jump.

"I can't believe he's already one," Jane walks up beside me watching them "He's getting so big."

"I know, this time I actually kinda like it though." I'm really getting excited to not have any crying babies around anymore "I love babies, but more when I can give them back to their parents."

She laughs slightly as she moves towards the kids. I sit down at the picnic table and eat some of the snacks that we have set out while I watch all the kids playing. We decided to make it a picnic/ birthday party so that the older kids could have friends here as well, and so Kaid would have people to play with. Brad and my dad are watching some of the kids play soccer, Court is watching everyone in the pool, and everyone else is just hanging around doing what they want.

The girls are both hanging out with their friends swimming, and Josh and Kaid have moved on to the other kids that are playing soccer. Josh is very excited, but Kaid is more of a ball hog who can't do too much.

"I think it's time for cake," Brad walks over to me after a while carrying Kaid, who looks very upset "Somebody is getting tired."

"Aw, come here buddy," I take Kaid from him and try to cheer him up a little while Brad gets the cake.

"Look what daddy has!" I point out Brad brining the cake towards us. He starts to get excited, and I put him in his high chair with his little cake in front of him that he can eat.

"Happy birthday to you..." we all sing to Kaid who is laughing and giggling the whole time. Catie, Ally and Josh "help" him blow out the candles and then we let him eat his cake.

"He is so messy." Sherry comments on his face dive into the cake.

I laugh and think of Brad "He is way too much like his dad."

"And that's not a bad thing." Brad smiles walking over to me with my cake.

"Remember that when you're giving him his bath tonight." I laugh "He reminds me so much of you. It's crazy."

"That's because I'm his favorite and he wants to be like me," he wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him "I thought you knew that already."

After everyone leaves, we all clean up and go to bed early since we're exhausted. Brad and I decide to let Kaid sleep in our bed since he gets upset in his crib.

"Good night, baby." I kiss his forehead. He mumbles something back to me and we all fall asleep.

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