40 isn't too bad...

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I wake up to silence. My first birthday in over 10 years that I haven't woken up to cries or a kid in bed with us. Brad decided that for my birthday he wanted to take me away for the weekend to a small hotel in the wine country. It's absolutely beautiful, and the best present. So far nobody has noticed we're here, I've gotten a massage, tested more wine that I could handle, and have gotten to spend some much needed alone time with Brad.

"Hey," Brad slowly wakes up tightening his grip around me "Happy Birthday, babe." He kisses me sweetly letting it linger as he slowly rolls over on top of me continuing where we left off last night.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" Brad asks as he walks up to me. I'm standing on our balcony looking over the edge, when I feel him wrap his arms around my waist "You pick."

I relax in his arms thinking for a while. I want to stay here and relax, but I also want to taste more wine and explore. I also want to just think of different memories.

"What if we just stayed here?" I motion towards the chairs "We could get some wine and just think of memories."

He agrees that it's a good idea, and orders us wine and we get the small cake that he got me. The rest of the afternoon is spent doing what I love best: thinking back on the best moments in my life.

"Come over here," Brad motions for me to sit on his chair next to him, where we cuddle up as we talk.

"Do you remember the vacation we went on with you dad and Sherry a few months after we got married?" Brad starts with the memories "You ended up with the stomach bug and everyone kept asking us if you were pregnant."

"Yeah," I smile thinking back on that tortures, yet fun week, "Then nobody believed us a few months later when I really was." He laughs, obviously remembering the reactions from our families when we told them I was pregnant with Catie. They didn't know how to act, or if they should believe us or not. Once they finally figured it out though, they were beyond excited for us.

Thinking back this far reminds me of some other hysterical things that have happened.

"Remember the first time I left you alone with Catie because I had to film?" I ask and notice him go deep into thought "You couldn't figure out how to heat up the breast milk and called me freaking out saying you needed my boobs." I start to laugh even more just thinking about this "I couldn't figure out why until you brought her to set and she was crying."

"Well she was hungry," He tries to defend himself "I didn't know what to do." We both laugh at how oblivious we were when she was born. As much as we thought we knew, we really didn't. It felt like we were given a baby as babies ourselves. Eventually, we got better, but it still took a while to feel like we had any clue what we were doing.

I notice Brad's eyes light up and know right away that he's thinking of something the kids have said or done.

"Remember when we told Catie you were pregnant with Ally and she got so mad at you because she thought you ate her baby sister?" Of course I remember, she wouldn't talk to me for a day.

"And then you told her that you put a seed in me? Yeah, I remember." I smile thinking about how innocent and cute she was "She even thought I had a watermelon inside me because of the seed. It was so cute."

He nods his head in agreement looking out into the distance. I think back on times where it was more than just us and Catie- when we were always busy, but always laughing, too.

"What about that time we left the girls in the living room and Ally drew on the couch with Catie's crayons?" I still remember that day vividly. I was about 4 months pregnant with Josh and had been going back and forth from the living room to bathroom battling morning sickness.

"Wasn't I holding you hair back or something?" Brad asks "Because I remember Cat running in the bathroom to tell us and me dropping it to go stop her."

"Yeah, you were because then Cat thought it would be funny to let it all fall in the toilet." I cringe as I remember that moment "I had to take them in the shower with me to wash it out so they wouldn't do anything bad while you cleaned the couch."

"Speaking of that couch, though," I pause to remember everything correctly "I'll never forget the day I walked in to find Josh peeing on it. It was so gross, but at the same time funny because he didn't think I would see."

"When you called me to tell me we needed a new couch I honestly didn't believe you," He laughs "but when I got home and saw that I didn't know what to do. I really liked that couch, too."

"It was my favorite." I add.

"What about memories of just us? When we would go on short trips together, or just nights we had to ourselves? I know they're obviously overshadowed by the hundreds from the kids, but you still remember them, right?"

"Of course!" I look at him like he's crazy "Those are some that I will never forget. Being with my best friend is pretty special, and memorable." We have way too many memories for me to even begin thinking of all of them. We always have the best time. Whether it be laying on the couch eating pizza, or cuddling up in bed together we always have the best and funniest times, promising lots of fun memories.

"You know what?" I look up at him, "All my favorite birthday memories involve you, just like this year's will as well."

I can't wait to see what new memories I create in my 40's.

So, I decided that with the help of some readers, I am going to update this story to 90 parts. There is a big, hopefully good surprise coming up!

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