People will follow you

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I roll over thinking I'll find Brad but instead see a note "Making breakfast for you, come down whenever. Love, Brad." I put a robe on and walk down to the kitchen wrapping my arms around him "Morning."

He turns around "Morning, beautiful." he sits at the table and motions for me to sit on his lap "I thought we could go out for breakfast then get the girls. I was going to make you something but then I got down here and realized it's already almost 10."

I look at him surprised "You mean they haven't called begging us to get them yet?"

"Nope. I called and both of them told me to get them whenever." he smiles "So I figured I'd be a good husband and take you out."

I stand up "Give me a few minutes to get ready." I quickly shower and get dressed then walk back downstairs to Brad "I'm ready."

He opens the door for me and we get in the car "How does the diner up the street sound?"

"Good, I'm starving."

"Me too. I guess we were really tired last night." he laughs "it was amazing though."

"it really was." I smile at him

We sit down at a table and order our drinks and food then Brad notices something and keeps looking at it.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I ask him

"Nothing." he tries to make it seem that way

"What are you looking at?" I look around trying get to see and notice a guy staring at me "is it him?"

"Yeah, he's really starting to piss me off. I think it's that guy from the amusement park." he grabs my hands as instinct "I don't trust him near you."

"Nothings going to happen." I try to assure him "It's not like I'm going to start talking to him or anything."

"I know you won't." he leans across the table closer to me "I just don't trust that he won't do anything to you."

We get our food and I try to change the subject "How was Ally for your parents?"

"Good. My mom said she cried herself to sleep so they let her sleep with them." he gives me part of his muffin "Try this, it's really good."

I take a little piece and try it "Yeah, it is good."

We finish our food and I get up "I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly."

He stops me quickly "Be careful, that guy is still there."

I walk the opposite way so Brad doesn't freak out and when I leave the bathroom both Brad and the guy are standing there so I walk over to Brad "I'm done."

The other guy walks over next to me "Hi, you're Jennifer Aniston, right?"

Brad quickly interrupts noticing the guy still starring at me "it's Jennifer Pitt."

I look over at the guy but keep a tight grip on Brads hand "it's Pitt. Can I help you with something?"

"Can I just stare at your beauty? I mean, you're just so beautiful." he puts his hand on my back and leans in towards me "You're flawless."

Brad grabs his hand and pulls me away "Listen asshole, you were weird enough at the amusement park, you don't need to follow her around here to!" he starts walking towards the car "Get in and lock the doors, I'm calling the cops."

I get in the car and listen to Brad and the guy fighting then see the cops pull up and handcuff the guy so I walk out to Brad "What are they doing?"

"Arresting him. This is the 3 times there's been complaints filed against him. You're supposed to go on Monday to file a restraining order is you want."

"I will." I start to walk back towards the car "Can we go get the girls now?"

He says something else to the cops then gets in the car "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to leave." I slump down in my seat "I miss them."

He hold my hand as he drives to my parents "I do too. We need to have time to ourselves sometimes though."

I look out the window in silence for a while "Thanks for dealing with that guy."

He pulls into my parents driveway and sits there for a minute "You know I would do anything to protect you."

I get out and walk into my parents house "Hey, where's Cat?" I ask my dad

"Outside with Sherry. She wanted to play on the swings." he hands me her bag "She doesn't sleep by the way."

Brad walks in behind me "She didn't sleep at all?"

"A little but she kept coming in our room so around 3 we just left her sleep with us." he looks around "Where's Ally?"

"At my parents. Apparently she cried herself to sleep around 1 so she slept with them too." Brad takes the bag from me "Was she good otherwise?"

"Yeah, she drew me a picture." he points to the coffee table "I think she's been having more fun outside though."

I walk towards the back door "I'm gonna get her."

Cat runs up to me when I get outside "Mommy play?"

"What are we playing?" I ask picking her up

"Swings!" She runs over and sits back down

I follow her over and sit with her talking to Sherry "Dad said she didn't sleep."

"Not much. We ended up letting her sleep with us." She pushes Cat a little "it was easier."

"Jane told us Ally cried herself to sleep around 1 so I guess they were both pretty bad with sleeping." I start to swing a little "We have to go get her next."

"Where's Brad?" she asks

"Inside talking to dad." I get up "We actually should probably go, we told them we would get Ally by 12."

Cat follows me inside and runs up to Brad "Hi daddy!"

"Hi princess!" he picks her up "Can you say by to grandma and grandpa?" he hands her to both of them then we thank them and leave.

"Did you have fun?" I ask putting Cat in her seat

"Yeah!" she goes through a long list of things she did

Brad pulls up to his parents house ( sorry it's just kinda hard for me to write about them driving.) "It looks like they were waiting for us." he points to his mom talking to a neighbor with Ally's stuff

"I'll get her." I get out of the car and go over picking up Ally's seat and her stuff "Thanks for keeping her, sorry she didn't sleep."

"it was no problem, and you can't help that." Jane hugs me "By the way, this is our neighbor, Morgan."

I look over and smile "Hi, Morgan."

"She's so adorable." she looks at Ally "it was great to meet you."

"You too!" I get everything "I have to go, Brad and Cat are waiting for me." I put Ally's seat in the car and get in the front with Brad "Everything okay?"

He starts driving "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about earlier."

"There's nothing to worry about." I take his hand in mine "The cops will take care of everything and I'm not going near him anymore."

"We get ice cream?" Cat asks

Brad looks over at me and I nod "Yeah, we'll go."

I get Cat out of the car when we get get and walk up to get the ice cream "What do you want?"


"Sprinkles?" I ask


I order all the ice cream then sit at a table with Brad where Cat already has ice cream down her shirt "Well, it was a nice break while it lasted." I tell Brad.

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