I'm scared.

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I started having cramps after we took the girls to bed so Brad called my doctor and she told him to take me to the hospital to get checked out.

"Brad, I'm scared." I whisper "What of something is wrong with the baby?"

He rubs my arm reassuringly "I'm sure everything will be fine. They'll tell us what the test results came back as and do an ultrasound and we'll go from there. Just try to relax."

The doctor walks back in "While I'm waiting on the blood test results I have a few questions I need to ask." she pulls her chair up closer to Brad and I "Have you been overly stressed lately?"

(Doctors questions will be in italics.)

"Not really."

"Have you had any injuries?"


"Any abnormal bleeding and or spotting?"


She asks me to lay down and feels around my stomach for a little "As of now I don't think there's anything you need to be worried about. Cramps aren't always a bad thing, but we'll still do an ultrasound once we get the results back. Do you have any questions in the meantime?"

"Could it be because it's her third pregnancy?" Brad asks

"It could be that. Each pregnancy is different, but normally you experience it more after your first two." she looks over at me "Did you have it before?"

"Not really. Maybe a few, but they didn't really hurt."

"They can get stronger each time, so that's probably all that it is, but I want to be on the safe side." she tells us the results should be back soon and leaves.

"See, it shouldn't be anything to worry about." Brad sits on the table next to me "They'll probably just end up telling us to come back if it gets worse."

I lean on him a little "I hope so. Thanks for bringing me."

He looks me in the eyes "You don't need to thank me. I'll do anything to make sure you and the baby are okay."

We sit in silence until the doctor comes back in with the results "Everything looks good, and I still don't see any sign of a miscarriage or any other problems."

"So does that mean it was probably just cramps got stronger?" I ask her as she starts the ultrasound

She moves the wand around trying to get a good look "Yep. You don't have anything to worry about, everything looks great."

Brad moves so he can see it better "Can you give us a better idea of how far she is? We've been thinking 2 months based off of her last appointment."

"I think 2 months is right. The size adds up good." she finishes the ultrasound "Just to be sure of everything I'll move your next appointment up by a week but I really don't think you have anything to worry about."

I sit up on the table "Thanks so much!"

"You're welcome." she gets up "If you have any other questions or concerns just call."

I get in the car "I'm still scared."

"You're going to be fine." he hold my hand as he starts to drive "Just think, even with these problems you still get to have your own children."

"Yeah, that's true. I feel horrible for those who can't." I start to stare out the window "I really wish I could help them."

(I'm going to skip to when they're home and back in bed.)

"Brad, where are you?" I ask as I get in bed "You disappeared."

He walks back in with Cat "She woke up."

Cat lays next to me "I sleep here."

"She woke up when we left and was worried." he lays next to her "She wanted you."

"Awe, are you okay sweetie?" I pull her closer to me

"Why you leave?" she asks

Brad nods at me "Just tell her, she'll figure it out soon."

"Do you remember when Ally was in my belly?" I ask and she nods "Well, now there's another baby, and we had to go to make sure it was okay."

She sits for a while silent then finally speak up "it another girl?"

"We don't know." Brad says "it could be a girl or a boy."

"I want brother."

"So you want it to be a boy?" I ask her


"I do too." I smile and hug her "Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" she says excitedly "When it get here?"

Brad lays her back between us "in about 7 months."

"Why so long?"

"Because it needs to grow big enough to live like the rest of us." He sits up "It'll go by faster than you think."

She looks over at me "Really?"

"Really." I pull the covers over us and she falls asleep pretty quickly "At least she's excited."

"I think everyone is excited." Brad laughs "I'm just glad that both of you are okay."

"Me too."

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