My amazing life

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"Good morning, buddy!" I smile as I lift Kaiden out of his crib "You hungry?" He nods his head, so I change him and take him down stairs where he can roam free while I make everyone pancakes. I laugh as he mumbles things to himself while he decides where to stay and play.

"Mom!" Cat runs down the stairs "Ally took my shirt again and ruined it!" She holds up a tank top with what looks like spaghetti sauce on it.

"I borrowed it!" Ally protests "The sauce got on it last night when I heated up my dinner."

I take the shirt and put it in the sink with water to help get the stain out "You have like a million clothes, why did you need to borrow hers?"

"Because she wanted to be a bitch." Cate mumbles under her breath.

"Caitlyn!" I point towards the living room "Just go watch your brother. I don't wanna deal with you two fighting this early."

"But she's the one that ruined it!"

"Just go." I look over at Ally handing her the shirt "And you, take this to the laundry room and wash it."

They both do as their told and I continue to make breakfast wishing Brad was awake to help with all of this. He's better at their fights than I am.

"Mommy!" I hear and then a high pitched scream from Kaid in the living room followed by silence. I run into the room to see that the girls have left, and he's just yelling because Brad is tickling him. As I walk in they both freeze and are silent.

"What's going on in here?" I ask laughing.

"Daddy gots me." Kaid has no idea what to say.

I walk over and sit next to Brad on the couch "Daddy gots you?" He nods and Brad laughs. Kaid leans over towards me, so I hold him and he plays with his toys talking to himself.

"Where did the girls go?" I ask Brad "They were supposed to be watching him."

"I got sick of their fighting and told them to go to their rooms." He looks around "Is Josh still sleeping?"

I nod my head "Outside playing with the neighbor. He wanted you earlier for something." He gets up to go outside and takes Kaid with him leaving me to finish breakfast for everyone.

"Girls, breakfast is done!" I yell up the steps. They ignore me and just stay in their rooms, so I guess they'll eat later. Better than listening to them fight.

Brad walks in a few minutes later with Kaid running in front of him, and Josh and his friend, Gabe following.

"I eat?" Kaid points to the food. I pick him up and sit him in his high chair "Yeah, it's breakfast time!"

"Yay! Breakfast!" He yells making us all laugh.

I bring all the food over to the table, and the girls decide that it's time to come down and join us. We all take our seats at the table and start to eat our breakfast.

"Can we go swimming later?" Josh asks motioning towards him and Gabe.

"Sure, as long as his parents are okay with it."

"Can Coco come over?" Ally asks.

Brad looks over at me, and I shake my head "No. Not today, maybe another time when you guys aren't fighting." This makes her mad, so she gets up and leaves the table walking to her room and slamming the door shut.

"I'll go," I sigh getting up. Brad nods and takes over helping Kaid eat for me.

"Ally, open the door." I stand in the hall knocking "If you don't I'll get dad to unlock it." She opens the door a few seconds later, so I walk in and sit on the edge of the bed.

"It's not fair, mom! She told me I could borrow her things, then one time I get something on it and it's all my fault!" She complains "She gets everything."

"Look, honey we aren't mad at you, but you two need to learn how to work these fights out." I get closer to her "You're old enough now that you should know this stuff isn't worth fighting over. I will try to get the shirt clean, but for now you still can't have Coco over."

She hugs me "Thanks, mom. Sorry for fighting."

"It's okay," I hug her back "You coming back down to eat?"

"I think I'll stay up here for now." She stays on her bed, and I walk out and back downstairs to everyone. Brad looks over at me, so I mouth to him that everything's okay and we finish eating so that the kids can go swimming.

"Hey babe, can you tie this?" I pull the strings of my bathing suit back for Brad.

He walks up behind me and ties it for me "You look really good, I like this one." I laugh. He starts kissing me.

"Thanks, but there are kids who would really like to swim." I turn towards him giggling "I don't think they wanna wait for us."

"Fine." He sighs before kissing me again quickly and helping me dress Kaid. We follow him as he runs out to the pool joining the older kids that are all waiting for us. He takes our hands and pulls us in with him so that we can help him swim while everyone else plays.

"Look, daddy's waiting for you!" I slowly let go of Kaid who starts to swim towards Brad. I follow behind him to catch him if needed.

"You can do it, buddy!" Brad cheers for him. He makes it to Brad and jumps into his arms.

"I do it!" He beams excitedly. I wrap my arms around him for a big hug.

"You did, buddy! Good job!"

We spend the rest of the day swimming with the kids and having a cookout with some of our neighbors for some nice family time.

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