Our early present

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Catie's POV

"Hey, wake up!" Mom nudges me in my sleep. I roll back over and try to act like I never heard her, which doesn't work. She always knows when I'm faking.

"Caitlyn." She sighs "You need to get up."

I sit up and instantly see why. She's dressed in a light flowy dress holding her stomach with my dad standing behind her. She looks like she's ready to kill someone.

"We're going to the hospital, and you're coming with." Dad says handing me a bag "Throw some clothes in here and meet us in the car, we can't take too long." I do as I'm told even though I'm not really looking forward to this. Why do I have to go sit in a hospital and wait for mom to give birth? Isn't that dad's job? He's the one who got her pregnant anyway.

I get in the car and dad drives us to the hospital quickly. Nobody says anything except for the few times mom blames dad for all of this. He tries to hide that he's laughing at some of her comments, but doesn't do it very well. I don't really blame her though, this must hurt.

When we get to the hospital dad hands me money and tells me that he's going to get mom checked in, and that I should get some food since it could take a while. I stand and watch as they walk into the admissions area, and can't help but wonder what this must be like for them 9 years after their last baby. Of course, if they were more careful this wouldn't be happening. She wouldn't be bitching at him because this is "all his fault" and I would be in my bed asleep.

After getting myself a sandwich and a water I sit at an empty table and text Ally for a while hoping that she's awake. She ends up not answering, so I end up stuck reading on my phone until dad texts me to go back up. This whole process seems like it's taking forever.

"Hey," I hear dad walk up behind me "You can come up now.  I figured I'd get you so you don't get lost."

"Is she still mad at you?" I ask knowing why he didn't just text.  He nods his head yes.

"I'm not sure if she's mad or it just hurts that much, but probably both."

I stand up and follow him towards the room. He explains that it shouldn't be much longer. Once we're in the elevator, I ask him what I've really been wondering "Why did I have to come with?"

"Because she wanted you here. I don't really know why, but she's in a lot of pain, and he's coming fast, so please don't cause any scenes." He looks me in the eyes "Just try to be good and listen." I don't say anything else, but follow him into mom's room once we get off the elevator. She's laying in the bed looking up at the TV in the corner of the room.

I walk in silently taking a seat at the chair closer to the door so I have easy access to the exit if I need it.  Dad sits at the chair right next to her head on the other side holding her hand. She doesn't say much again, but I can see the pain in her facial expressions and eyes. I'm guessing she's trying not to show it because I'm here, and that makes me less uncomfortable, but I feel bad at the same time. Dad gets up to go to the bathroom leaving us alone.  She rolls over onto her back and plays on her phone for a little.

"Mom?" I ask quietly as I move closer and sit on the edge of her be "You okay?  Is it worse than I was?"

She laughs at me slightly "Well, I guess. I'll be better once he's out, but hopefully that won't take too long.  Everyone has been worse than you.  You were the easy one."

Soon after, dad walks back in the room, and a nurse is following him.

"I just need to check again and see how far you've progressed." The nurse lifts up mom's blanket and does whatever she needs, while mom glares at her like it hurts.

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