Life Changes

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I've decided to continue this story up until 100 parts because I'm super bored and have no life. Soooo, enjoy 😂.

"How long has he been in here?" I roll over to face Brad to be met by Kaid's terrible smelling feet "I thought the new room and Batman bed was supposed to keep him out of here at night."

"Yeah, well Batman failed to fight off all the bad dreams and the room is full of scaries, so he can't sleep there." Brad replies sleepily "The other 3 rooms seem magically free of scaries.  It's amazing how that works."

Kaid starts to move, his elbow nailing me in the stomach as his head emerges from the sheets, while he kicks Brad in the head trying to rearrange himself.  He cuddles up as close as possible to me once he gets situated. 

"Mommy, I hungry." He announces, putting his face directly in front of mine, giving me no choice but to acknowledge his undeniable cuteness "You cook?"

"I think daddy wants to make us all some pancakes." I smile, pulling myself out of bed "He wants our first morning in this house to be extra special."

"Please, daddy?" Kaiden moves over to Brad "I love you!"

"Okay, but you have to get off me so I can move." Brad gets him out of bed as I walk downstairs to see if the other kids are awake yet, and make sure that the new house has not been destroyed in one night.

"Hey, don't eat that yet, dad's making pancakes." I stop Josh from pouring cereal, "Where are your sisters?"

"They were in Catie's room thingy a few minutes ago."

When we got this house, the main reason we decided on it is because it has a mini apartment in the basement that is perfect for Catie's bedroom, and for her,  Ally and Josh to have their own room for their friends to hang out in that Kaid can't get in to destroy. 

I walk downstairs, through the huge living area, and into Catie's bedroom to find her and Ally looking through different paint colors.

"Hey, why are you looking at those?" I walk up closer to them "I thought you said you liked the color this room was already."

"They're for the bathroom." Catie holds up two of them "Which of these do you like best?"

I pick the one that I think is the best of the two, and of course her and Ally agree they like the other one more. 

"Glad I could help.  Didn't know my opinion was that bad." I joke.

"It's not bad, it's just a mom opinion." Ally says.

"Yeah, exactly." Catie adds.

"Mom opinion?" I ask "Enlighten me."

"Uhhh, just a certain kind." Catie responds before her and Ally run out of the room.  I stay here for a little, looking through the other color choices to see that mine pick was the best by far.

"Mommy!  Befst!!" Kaid yells down the steps for me as loud as he possibly can.  I walk up, moving the gate out of the way and pick him up to take in the kitchen only to find out that breakfast is not done yet and he just wanted to play. 

"Go show Josh your new cars, he hasn't seen them yet." I put him on the floor and watch as he runs up to his siblings, dragging them all into the living room. 

I walk out to where Brad's cooking, wrapping my arms around his waist, "This smells good.  You haven't burnt any yet?"

"I haven't made yours yet." He turns around to kiss me "I'm saving the best for last."

"Dick." I laugh, pulling away "I never burn yours on purpose."

"Oh, so you're just that bad of a cook.  Maybe that's why the kids refuse to eat growing up." 

"I am an amazing cook.  The kids love it when I make dinner."

"Yeah, because you order food." He hands me a platter full of pancakes "These are for the heathens.  Ours aren't done yet."

"Guys, pancakes are ready!" I yell into the living room for them.  Catie, Ally and Josh all walk out, leaving Kaiden alone. 

"He's taking his clothes off again." Josh says as he sits down "We put them back on him already and he's just taking them right back off."

"Shit." I mumble, turning to Brad who is laughing way too hard to take care of this, then decide to walk in the living room. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I walk in to find Kaid stripped down to just his diaper playing with toys "You need clothing."

"You don't!" He fights back as I try to get him dressed "You not dressed in bed!"

"Busted!" Catie yells, laughing at him before completely comprehending what he meant "Wait that's gross!"

"Yeah well, maybe it'll teach you guys to actually stay out of our room for once." Brad carries the rest of the food to the table "He was scared in his room, but he probably had even more nightmares since we fell asleep dumb enough to believe he wouldn't run in at 2 AM."

"Okay, well we really didn't need to know all that but thanks." Ally plays around with her food, obviously grossed out "I'm not really hungry anymore."

"Get over it.  You're overreacting." I carry Kaid over to the table and sit with him "He has no idea anyway."

"Yeah but we do.  Catie's right.  It's gross."

"So how does everyone like the new house?" Brad asks to change the topic "Everyone like their rooms?"

"I love mine.  It's huge." Catie answers first, way too excited to have her own area of the house "I don't have to listen to everyone else all the time or get woken at 5 AM because someone thinks they need to wake up and cry just because the sun is out."

"You're so lucky.  He's just going to wake me now." Josh complains, rolling his eyes at Kaid "Why can'y you guys just sound proof the walls or something so we don't need to hear him that early?"

"You guys don't have anything to worry about.  He knows how to open both doors, so he just comes in to wake us at the ass crack of dawn." I look over at Kaid to see that he is laughing, knowing we're talking about him "Besides, all three of you spent years doing the same, you were just all too young and close in age to care."

We finish breakfast and the kids end up running through the kitchen having a huge food fight while Brad and I stand in the corner watching them. 

"I think we'll like it here."

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