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"Well, Mrs. Pitt, everything looks great with the baby. Have you been having cramps yet?" The doctor puts the ultrasound equipment away.

"No, they went away the next day." I get up so she can weigh and measure me then wait for her to go over the chart "Is everything ok?"

She closes the chart "Yep. Everything looks great, I just wanted to put a note that the cramps went away. You're free to go, just make sure you make an appointment in the next month."

Brad and I leave the doctors then go pick up the girls and go home and make dinner as we start picking out baby names.

"I have one for if it's a girl." I say as I set the table "I figured I'd pick girl and you pick boy, like you said before."

"That's great." he brings some plates over "Because I have a boys name too. You go first."

"Okay." I smile "I like Sabrina Lynne. We could use Bri as a nickname."

"I like that one!" he quickly looks in checking on the girls "I was thinking Joshua Bradley for a boy. We could use Josh as a nickname, and that way we carry on with the middle name Bradley."

"Awe, that really cute." I get the food "I can't wait to meet him or her and find out."

"5 more months." he walks over and kisses me "it'll go by pretty quickly."

"Maybe for you." I laugh and walk into the living room "Dinners ready, let's go eat." I help Ally walk to the kitchen while Cate runs over to her seat "Are you hungry?"

"Really hungry." she hands me her plate "I eat a lot."

I give her some food and cut up a little for Ally to eat then sit down "Do we have what we need for her party? It's only 2 days away."

Brad sits down next to me "We should. I think all we really need to get is the cake and maybe a few snacks."

I look over at Cat "Do you want to go to the store when you're done eating?"

"For what?" she asks

"We need to get some snacks for Ally's party." I clean off Ally's hands and give her a drink "You can pick out some if you want."

"Okay!" she finishes quickly "We go now?"

"You go to the bathroom and wash your hands then we can go when I'm done eating." I finish my food and clean off Cat's mess "Can you give Ally a bath while we're gone?" I ask Brad "I'll give Cate one when we're back."

"Sure." he finishes and gets up "You should probably get some napkins and plates too." he gets Ally from her highchair "I think we might have used them."

"When would they have been used?" I ask as I get my purse and jacket "They were in the closet with the rest of the party stuff."

He cleans off Ally's fave and highchair quickly ", we might have gotten bored the other day and drew on them."

"And the napkins?" I sigh

"We had a race and I said they had to stay between them." he quickly walks towards the steps "I love you!"

"Yeah, I love you too." I walk with Cat out to the car and put her in her car seat "You ready?" she nods and I get in the front and drive towards the store "What do you want to get?"

"Pretzels and chocolate and chips and marshmallows and candy." she makes a list

"Okay, well I guess we can get some of those." I laugh and get her out of the car when we get to the store "Do you want to get in the cart or walk next to it?"

"in the cart."She puts her arms up so I list her putting her in the cart and we go in the store "There candy!" she points towards the candy isle.

Of course she would see that. I sigh and walk towards that isle "You can pick three things." I pick out what she tells me "Are you sure this is what you want?" I hold up the lollipops, bag of chocolates and mini marshmallows.

"Yeah!" she smiles taking them from me "Thanks, mommy."

"You're welcome, sweetie." I walk towards the snack isle and stop when I see a somewhat familiar face. Shit, what's her name? I know she's Brad's ex but that's all.

She walks up to me and I remember her, Gwyneth. "Hi, Jen!" she smiles at me and Cat "She's getting so big."

"I know!" I smile back "They grow up too fast, she's almost 4."

"Wow, that they do! So, how are you?" She asks "Brad told me the good news the other day when we saw each other congratulations!"

"Thanks!" I try to make it quick so I can get Cat home "I'm good, excited. What about you?"

"I'm good too!" she looks over at Cat who looks tired "It looks like she's ready to go so I'll let you get back to shopping, but it was nice to see you!"

"You too." I smile quickly as I walk to the snacks at the end of the isle "How my bags of chips and pretzels should I get?"

"10!" Cat answers "I want a lot."

"You have to share them." I laugh putting a few in the cart "There gonna be other people there."

"Then 20."

I get the rest and walk out of the isle. At least she understands a little math. I wait in line to pay then I put all the snacks on the things "Cat can I have what you picked out? I need to pay."

She gives it to me "I eat some?"

"You can have one before your bath." I put the bags in the cart and pay then walk out and put everything in the car and Cat in her seat. Once we get home I get the bags and follow Cat in the give her a lollipop like I promised and take her up for a bath.

"Be careful, I don't want you to fall and hit your head." I tell her as she moves around fast in the tub "You could get really hurt."

She stops then sits playing with the bubbles for a while "More toys?"

"A few more." I give her some toys and sit letting her play for a while until Brad walks in.

"Ally's finally asleep."

"it took that long?" I start to wash Cat "Normally she falls asleep pretty fast."

"Well tonight she didn't." he drains the water and starts to wash Cat's hair "Was the store packed? after you left I remembered it's a Friday night."

"Not really." I get Cat's towel and hand it to Brad "We ran into Gwyneth, she said you saw each other recently, when was that?"

"About a week ago. Right after we got back from England." he dries Cat and starts to dress her "She asked how we were so I told her."

"Oh, well she seemed really happy in the store." I walk with Cat back to her room and put her in bed "Night, sweetie."

She pulls her covers down a little "You sleep here."

I get in her bed the best I can "I don't know if I'm gonna fit." I pull up the covers a little "You're so tired, your eyes are hardly even open."

She shakes her head trying to stay awake "Not tired."

I pull her closer to me "You're very tired." I stay like that rubbing her back until I look and see that she fell asleep and notice her grab loosening on me "Night, sweetie." I kiss her forehead and quietly leave her room.

Just for future references, I already plan on writing another Justifer story with a friend when I'm done with this story. What other stories (if any) would y'all be interested? Another Brennifer, or a different type of Jen related story?

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