Who says you can't go home?

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I get all of Ally's things ready while Brad does the same for Cat then we get ours and meet his parents at the airport to fly home.

Brad picks up Ally "You can't walk, we don't have enough hands to help you." he grabs the other suitcase and walks in front of us.

"Cat, are you sure you want to carry that bag?" I look over to see her dragging it "I can get it for you." she ignores me and keeps walking "Okay, let me know if you want me to get it later."

Brad stops and puts Ally down "This isn't going to work, I'm carrying too much and she's falling." he sits at the bench someone needs to get at least one of these suitcases."

"Do you want me to carry Ally?" Jane walks up to him "I only have one bag."

"Yeah that will work." Brad starts walking again "Where's dad?"

I look around "He's in front of us, over there."

Brad turns around facing me and Jane takes the girls "Do you need me to get any of that? I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"No, I'm fine. You have a lot anyway." I start to walk "it's not much farther."

We go through security and get to the gate waiting for the plane then load it when we're called.

"Brad." I whisper over to him "is she asleep?"

He looks at Ally on his lap "Yeah, pretty much. Why?"

"Can we switch?" I move Cat a little "She's digging her elbow into me again." he nods and we switch them "How much longer is the flight? I'm getting bored."

"Like 8 hours." he stays quiet for a little "You know, if you're really bored we could go do what we used to." he smirks "I think my parents are asleep too."

"Nice try, but I'm not having sex in the plane bathroom again." I lean on him a little and kiss him "Although, maybe if you're lucky I will when we get home."

"You shouldn't be aloud to act all sexy while you turn me down." he waits for me to change my mind "Fine, I guess when we get home is okay, but you better not be joking."

"Maybe I am." I smile "You just have to be really nice to me until we get home." I lay my head on his neck and slowly fall asleep waking hours later to Brad waking me.

I help Brad get our bags "How long was I asleep?"

"Almost all 8 hours, I fell asleep for about 2." he picks up Ally "My parents got off right away, I waited a little to wake you so it wouldn't be as crowded."

"Thanks." I help Cat carry her bag again "Do we have everything?"

He looks around quickly "We should."

We make our way out of the airport and walk through crazy paparazzi to get to the car, then end up stuck in traffic.

"How long do you think it will take to get home?" I ask giving the girls some snacks "I'm starting to get hungry."

"I am too." he switches lanes "Probably close to 2 hours. We can go eat somewhere and maybe it won't be as bad. Either way we're only getting home around 8."

"Let's go eat, I'll never make it 2 more hours." I look around "Can you go to that one?" I point to the sign "I don't care if it's good or not, I just need food."

"You sure that one's ok?" he asks "There are some better that are like 20 minutes away."

"Yes, I'm sure. I haven't had anything since right when we got off the plane and that wasn't much." I walk with Ally into the restaurant once we get there and they tell me to wait a few minutes.

Brad walks in after me with Cat and sits on the bench "How long?"

"5-10 minutes." I let Ally play next to me with Cat "I'm gonna die if I don't get food soon, I'm so hungry."

"Did you tell them you're pregnant and in a bad mood?" he asks joking then turns serious when he can see I'm pissed "Okay, I'm sorry, they'll call us soon."

"You better hope they do, or with that you completely ruined your chance for tonight."

They call us and take us to the table where we immediately order our food.

"I seriously hate time differences." I complian "I can't believe it's already 6 and I just slept 7 hours."

Brad looks at me carefully "And you're still tired, I can tell." he looks at both girls "As are they."

"It's just not right, I slept 7 hours on a plane and a few the night before."

"You did, but you also have jet lag, and you're pregnant. You're going to be tired." He helps the girls draw "You can go home and sleep. I understand if you need to."

"We'll see." I smile "Maybe once I eat I'll be better."

"I draw you, daddy." Cat shows Brad a picture "And this you, mommy." she points to the other side.

"Wow, that's really good!" I look at them "Can we take it home?"

"You put on fridge?" she asks

"Yeah, we want to remember it." Brad gets it from her "I'll put it here so it doesn't get messy."

I start to eat once we get our food "Do you want some Ally?" I ask since she's been looking so I give her a little "I'm so glad we stopped to eat."

"Me too, we all would've been starving if we didn't." Brad gets up once he's done "I'm gonna call my parents quickly to see how bad it is getting home."

"Okay." I go back to helping Ally eat "Catie, what are you doing?"


"Daddy's gonna be back soon, he's going to want to sit." I look over the table at her "if you wanna lay there then daddy has to sit with me."

Brad comes back a few minutes later and looks at Cat "What happened to my seat?"

"You sit with mommy."

He looks at me confused then sits next to me "My parents just got home. They said it wasn't as bad as it looks."

"Well I'm ready to go whenever you are, I already payed."

"Then let's go." he gets up and we all go out to the car and drive home.

"They're both asleep." I whisper when we get in the garage "I'll get Ally."

He gets the bags out of the trunk then gets Cat and takes her to her room "I think there's 2 bags yet, that's it."

"I'll get them." I get the bags then come back into our room to see Brad laying on the bed in just his boxers fake reading. I take off everything but my bra and panties and craw in bed laying next to him kissing his neck "You look so cute when you fake read."

"You took too long, I had to do something." he puts the book to the side and wraps his arms around me completely kissing me as I let out small moans. "Why did you keep these on? They just take up more time." he starts taking my bra and panties off.

I move back to kissing his neck as I take his boxers off "Because I know you love it." I get his boxers off and let him flip us over taking control as he enters me and we move on sync for a while until we both finish.

We lay silent until I speak up "I'm gonna miss all of this."

"What do you mean you're going to miss it?" he looks at me carefully "is something wrong?"

"No, it's just that we're going to be so busy with everything in a few months." I sigh cuddling up to him more "We aren't really going to have time for much of this."

"We can make time." he smiles "We can always make time."

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