We're complete

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Brad and I have been in the hospital for a few hours now since I've been having contractions. I move around in the bed for a while trying to find a comfortable way to lay with no luck "I just want this over." I complain to Brad.

He kisses my forehead rubbing my back as I go through another contraction "It will be soon. They already said last time they were here it won't be too much longer."

"They said I was at 7 like 2 hours ago." I point towards the door "They're liars."

"They aren't liars." He laughs at what I said "They just don't always know how it will be."

Shortly after they come in and check me again saying that I can finally start to push once the other nurses and doctor get here.

The doctor stands at my feet waiting for me "At your next contraction you have to push." She tells me and I do so.

I sit up and start to get ready, then as soon as the contraction comes I push as hard as I can.

Brad stands next to me holding my hand and helping me as much as he is able to "You're almost done." He tells me when I start complaining. After a while of pushing I'm exhausted and want it all to be over with. I try my hardest not to give up and push 3 more times until I finally feel the baby come out.

The doctor cleans off the baby "It's a boy!" He smiles as he places him on my chest for Brad and I to see.

I pick him up immediately and look closely at him then over at Brad "We finally have a boy."

Brad leans down and kisses me "I love you." He takes him from me and smiles looking at him for a while "And I love him too." Brad sits with me in the bed and we play with him for a while until the doctor tells us everything looks okay, then starts with the paperwork.

She walks over to us with some of the papers she's filling out "Do you have a name?"

Brad looks over at me then back up at her "Joshua Bradley Pitt."

She hands us what we need to sign then gets everything else together and walks towards the door "The nurses and I will be in to check every few hours, congratulations on him, he's adorable!"

I stare at Joshua for a while, starting to cry at the idea I finally have a boy and that I know our family is now complete "I love him so much already."

"Me too." Brad plays with his fingers for a while taking a few pictures "He's so happy."

"I know, I don't think either of the girls were smiling this early." I look at him for a while admiring his features "He looks like my dad but has your eyes."

"He's the cutest baby boy I've seen." Brad says as my mom walks in with the girls.

They climb up in the bed with me while my mom and Brad stand to the side. I hand Josh to them so they're both holding him a little "That's your little brother." I tell them as they admire him. I take him back when he starts to cry and calm him down then hand him to my mom.

"He's so cute." She says while she plays with him "What did you decide to name him?"

"Joshua Bradley." I tell her "We wanted to keep the family middle name. It's Josh for short."

"I love it." She hands him to Brad after a while "He seems like a happy baby."

"He hasn't stopped smiling." Brad puts him in his little crib so he can sleep a little.

Catie and Ally both shuffle to the edge of the bed, looking over the side to watch as Joshua sleeps peacefully. "He cute! What's his name?" Catie asks as she looks up at Brad and I.

"Joshua Bradley Pitt." I repeat myself, letting her know what to call her baby brother. "Josh!" Ally jumps with a smile on her face.

"Bradley? Like daddy's name?" Catie asks some more. "Yeah, like daddy's name." Brad smiles as he sits down on the seat next to my mom.

"He's really tiny." Catie notices, watching him as he wiggles in his sleep. "Like our dolls." Ally adds, watching too. "Yeah." Catie agrees with her little sister.

"Are you guys going to help us with him?" I smile, watching three of the most important people in my life. "Yeah, we protect him!" Catie strokes the side of his face gently. "We help keep the bad people away from him!" She says, angry with the paparazzi.

"Is that right?" Brad laughs at her cuteness, my mother joining in with him, "Yeah!" Catie gives him an unimpressed look. "Because we love him!" She contines to explain. "We do!" Ally agrees with her, crawling a little closer to Cat and hugging her.

"Mommy, can we hold him again?" Cate asks as the two of them sit back, closer to me. I glance over to Brad and he stands up, walking toward the crib. He softly picks up our son and hands him over to me so I can set him comfortably in the arms of his sisters.

They both sit with him, just watching as his face and body make slight movements on their laps. "When can we play with him? I want to show him my toys." Each of the girls take a firm hold of one of his hands holding them until they leave.

Joshua Bradley Pitt, 10/8/16

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