Chaotic household

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"Girls, please don't be too loud!" I get glares from Ally and Cate as I yell out the screen door at them and their friends. They're blaring music and screaming as they play around the pool. It wouldn't normally bother me, but I finally got Kaid to sleep, and at 6 months old, that doesn't happen often.

Minutes later, 8 teenage girls run through my house soaking wet, and up to the girls rooms.

"Seriously?" I mumble to myself as I grab a towel to dry up the floor. This makes me miss it when they were little and cared about what I said.

"Cleaning again?" Brad asks as he walks in the back door "I thought you just did that yesterday."

"I did." I laugh "8 girls just ran through the house soaking wet. I'm drying the floor."

He laughs and grabs another towel walking towards the stairs.

"You would think the dogs would be messier than the kids." He jokes. I won't tell him about the dog with the muddy paws walking all over the kitchen earlier.

"Jen!?!" Coco yells from the top of the steps "Can we get pizza?"

"No!" Brad yells up obviously messing with her. "I'll go get it. What do you want?" She tells us what they want, and he takes Josh with to pick it up. I love that Coco feels comfortable here.

I finish the floor and go to sit on the couch with Kaid, who is now awake. He crawls around all over me for a few minutes until he decides that he is comfortable. The quiet lasts for about 5 minutes before he decides that he's hungry again, and cries as he pulls on my shirt for milk.

"You're so lucky you're cute." I look down at him as he eats. He's curled up as close as he can be to me. I grab his little blanket to cover myself when I hear the girls walking back down stairs.

"Can they sleep over?" Catie asks. I know I'll probably regret this, but I give in.

"I'm fine with it, but you have to ask your dad when he gets back." They all get excited, and decide that they're going to raid the living room and change the channel from whatever it is that I was watching.

Kaid finally decides he's full, so I rearrange him, and hand him to Coco, who he apparently loves. He crawls around on her, and I eventually have to pull her hair out of his tight grip. He mumbles something, probably yelling at me for taking away his "toy".

"Pizza's here!" Brad yells as he walks in the door. The girls get up and run out to the kitchen to eat, leaving me alone with Kaid. I change the channel to a little kid show hoping that will interest him, and put him on his play mat so I can join the others.

"Did they already ask you about them staying?" Brad asks me quietly. I nod.

"This should be fun." I joke as I get myself some pizza. We go into the living room where Brad lays on the floor next to Kaid and I sit on the couch next to Josh, who looks extremely bored.

"Is there something you want to do?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Can I go to AJ's house?" He loves going over to my brothers. Brad and I agree that it's okay, and AJ says he can pick him up.

"Cool, pizza!" His eyes light up as he walks in the kitchen "Oh hey, guys." He looks up at the girls.

"Let's go back upstairs." Ally suggests.

"Am I not cool enough for you?" AJ asks "You don't want to hang out with your cool uncle?"

"Nope." Catie replies bluntly. The rest of us laugh as the girls run upstairs.

"Well, you two are the cool ones anyway." AJ says as he picks up Kaid "Right?" Kaid laughs, and Josh agrees with him right away.

"They just don't know how to have fun." Josh adds.

They stay for a while so AJ, Brad and I can talk for a while, then they go back to AJ's house leaving Brad and I stuck here.

"Let's see if they wanna watch a movie or something." Brad suggests. I walk up to their room to ask them.

"Hey girls?" I walk into the playroom. They're all huddled around their laptops watching funny videos "We're gonna watch a movie, if you want you can come down." They all look around at each other thinking about it.

"What movie?"

"Don't know yet. We were gonna let you guys pick."

"Can we watch 21 Jump Street?" Ally asks motioning towards her and Coco.

I sigh "Sure, if it's only you and Coco, but I don't know what your other friends parents will think of it."

"What about Just Go With It?" Cat asks. I give in

"That's fine." I start to walk out "We'll make popcorn and everything, just come down in a few minutes."

Brad and I put Kaid to bed and then make a few bowls of popcorn and set them on the coffee table, then get drinks and sit on the couch next to each other cuddled under a blanket and wait for the girls.

They all come down a few minutes later in their pajamas and take seats around the couch hogging the popcorn and waiting for us to turn on the movie.

"I've always liked this movie," Brad whispers to me "You're really good in it."

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