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"Are there any places you guys want to stop at on the way?" I ask John, Shannon, and Brad

"I think the Phoenix Zoo. The girls would probably like that.~Shannon

"So, we would need a day for that, right?" I ask

"Yeah, that's probably good. That way we have some time, but the girls won't be too bored."~John

"And a week at the beach?"

"That should be good." ~Shannon

"It'll take at least 2 days driving, so it'll definitely be a two week trip."

"I think it's going to be a lot of fun. It'll be good for the girls to be together and we get to be together." ~John

"It's great to be taking a family trip."~Brad

"We picked a good place too. I've heard lots of good things about South Padre Island. I hope it's not too crowded."~Shannon

"Me too. That's why I didn't want to do anything in California, and so the paparazzi don't find us as easily."~Brad

"Yeah, they ruin trips pretty easily."

"I can't believe we leave in a month."~Shannon

"it's crazy! I think we're more excited than the girls."~Brad

"Yeah, I think so too."~John

"So, we're renting an RV, right?"~Brad

"That would be the easiest."

"I think that would be good. We can just take turns driving."~Shannon

"Whoever isn't driving can sleep,  and the girls can just sleep on the couch, and table bed?"~John

"That sounds good. We can take food to make too, so we don't have to stop too often."~Brad.

"I don't know about you guys, but we both like to leave really early in the morning to skip as much traffic as we can."~John

"We do too. What if you guys slept here the night before and we left at like 4 or 5?"

"That's what I want to do." Shannon.

"Okay, well I think most of the planning is done" ~Brad

"Seems like it. I hope everything works out."~John

After we talk a little they leave and Brad and I sit on the couch talking.

"it was really nice of your parents to watch the girls tonight."

He pulls me onto his lap "I'm glad they did, it's nice to have a break and to spend time with you."

I look into his eyes and smile "Spending time with you is the best."

We sit in silence for a little and I start to think about what our future will be like. He notices me staring into the distance and asks why "I'm just thinking." I reply.

"About what?" he asks

"Our future. What it'll be like."

"Oh, I like doing that too. It makes me happy thinking of us growing old together." he kisses me "So, what about our future where you thinking about?"

"Our family." I pause for a little, swirling my drink "What it will be like in the next year. If we'll have another kid by then, what we'll be doing."

"Do you think we will?" he asks excitedly "I definitely want another, as long as you do too."

"I do, I want a boy. I just want to hopefully be pregnant within the next year. Preferably around when Ally's one." I put my wine glass down and stare at Brad for a while "I'd really like to start trying when she's around 9 or 10 months old."

Brad thinks for a while and finally opens his mouth "I think that would be good. We're not getting any younger, and that way they aren't too far apart." He pulls me even closer "I feel like the girls are growing up too fast. I mean, Caties, already 3. Soon she's going to be 13."

"You still have 10 years before that." I laugh "She's always going to be a daddy's girl, nothings going to change that."

He smiles "You better be right. I hope Ally and I can be like Cat and I are. I love that we're so close, it really means a lot." he looks like he's holding back tears "They'll always be my princesses. And you," he looks right at me "You'll always be my queen."

"And you'll always be my king." I kiss him sweetly "I miss when we used to sit and do this every night."

"Let me make it up to you." he takes my hand and pulls me to the middle of the room turning the radio on "You know, you're just as beautiful as the day we got married."

I wrap my arms around his neck leaning into him as we start to dance "And you're just as romantic. I still don't know how I got so lucky and get to spend the rest of my life with you."

He moves slowly swaying to the rhythm of the song "I think we both know I'm the lucky one for getting you to marry me." he tightens his grip on me "I wake up the happiest guy every day because I know I have you, Cat, and Ally." he wipes my tears away as I start to cry "You're the most beautiful woman I know. Inside, and out, I've never met anyone with a heart as big as yours. You've forgiven me many more times than I think you should have, and I really can never thank you enough for that."

"Nothing will tear us apart. I promise. I love you too much to not forgive you, and we all make mistakes, the best thing is we learn from them." I lay my head on his shoulder and we just stay like that for a while, dancing until we get tired of standing and sit back down. "I want to stay like this forever. Your arms are where I always want to be."

He pulls me closer, tightening his grip "I never want to let go of you. You're my forever."

I know it's kinda short, but I wanted to put a romantic part in and I didn't know what else to say.~Mari

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