Crazy endings

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Josh is about 2 months old in this part...I figured with it being the last it doesn't really matter how old he is.

I wake up to Josh crying in his crib with no sight of Brad. I get Josh then sit back on the bed feeding him and look at the time. 8:30. Brad's probably downstairs with the girls and didn't want to wake me. Once Josh is done eating I change him then get him dressed for the day. I walk downstairs to find Cat sitting at the kitchen table drawing, and hear Ally laughing in the living room. "Are her and daddy playing a game?"I ask cat.

She gives me a confused look and goes back to drawing so I walk into the living room to find out myself. As soon as I walk in I cover my mouth in shock and try not to join Ally in laughing. I put Josh in his swing and walk over to make sure I saw what I think I did. Walking closer I can tell that I was right, and she is pouring coffee on Brad, who is asleep and must have left the full cup on the table again. I take it away from her and set her on the couch next to him "Why are you doing that to daddy?".

"He wake up!" She complains as she moves over towards him trying to wake him herself "It not working."

I wake up Brad and pick up Ally and make her help me get some paper towels and rags to clean up the mess "You can't do something like that." I remind her "If that was hot it could have really hurt him."

She tries to copy what I'm doing to help me clean until Brad walks in and runs up to him putting her arms up for him to hold her "I sorry, daddy!"

He picks her up and sits her on the table so he's level with her "Don't do that again, okay? Next time just wake me." He puts her back on the floor and walks over to help me clean up "I'll get the rest." He knows I've warned him of stuff like this happening.

"Did they eat yet?" I ask Brad and he tells me they said they weren't hungry earlier. Josh starts crying again, letting me know he wants me to hold him so I get him out and go to the kitchen where the girls are playing at the table "Are you hungry yet?" I ask and they say that they are. I put Josh with them so they can play with him while I make us all breakfast. Looking to see what we have I find pancake fix and cereal. "I really need to go to the store." I mumble to myself so they hopefully won't hear, and Ally runs right over to me "I go with!"

"If you eat your breakfast and listen to daddy and I maybe you can." I let her help me mix the pancakes then tell her to go back to the table when I turn the oven on.

Brad walks out putting the cleaning supplies away and walks over to me wrapping his arms around me and taking the spatula "I can finish these." He flips a few over and puts some on the plate then puts the spatula back down and turns me around to kiss me "I miss waking up with you. We need to convince the girls to sleep later."

"They need darker curtains in their rooms, then they won't wake up as early. Hopefully." I kiss him back then get out of his arms and take the plate over to the table "Do you guys want to go shopping later? We can get some new things for your rooms."

They both get excited about the idea and I give them each some food so they can eat while Brad finishes the rest. I put Josh on my lap and he tries to play with the fork in front of us but can't get it in his hand. Brad brings the rest of the pancakes over and gives me some and takes Josh so I can eat, then I do the same for him. We finish eating and I take the girls up to get baths and dressed to leave while Brad stays with Josh so he can sleep for a little until we leave.

I put both of them in the bathtub to wash them and let them play with their toys for a while. They talk to each other about what they're doing then I tell them it's been long enough and I need to wash them.

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