Holiday fun

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"Hey babe," I walk into our bathroom where Brad is taking a shower and open the door a little "I need in here."

"Okay," He smirks and pulls me in with him still in my bra and panties "I can share."

"Mhmm, as much as that's nice, that's not really what I was thinking." I laugh as I finish undressing "I'm going Christmas shopping with your mom, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember," He wraps his arms around me leaning in for a kiss "I think this is a reasonable way for you to pay me back for spending all my money..." He laughs knowing damn well it's our money.

I kiss him back playing with him for a while until we hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Daddy, I gotta go potty!!" Josh yells at the top of his lungs. Brad sighs and pulls away grabbing a towel and some clothes before letting him in.

I listen to them talking through the glass door and laugh at their conversation. Toddlers say the funniest things, and it's so cute.

"Mommy!" He yells banging on the shower door "I went potty!!" He's so proud of himself.

"Good job, buddy!" I open the door just enough so he can see how happy I am "Make sure daddy gets you your candy." He quickly turns to follow Brad downstairs and I go back to finishing my shower.

"Bye, buddy." I hug Josh as I leave "Make sure you're good for daddy, and don't fight with your sisters." He hugs me back and jumps out of my arms to play with his toys.

"Bye, babe." Brad kisses me quickly as I walk by him "Have fun, and make sure you buy me something." He smirks. I hit him playfully.

I grab my purse as I leave the house double checking that I have all the kids Christmas lists, and drive to Brad's parents house to pick up Jane.

"Hey," She gets in the car "Coffee first? We need to catch up." I'm always up for coffee, so of course I agree.

"So, how is everyone?" She asks as we sit down "The kids still fighting?"

"All the time," I laugh "Catie isn't as bad, but Ally and Josh just won't stop."

"They'll get over it eventually." She laughs, probably thinking back to Brad and his siblings, "Anything new with you and Brad?"

"Nope, we haven't talked in about a week," I joke "No, we've just been really busy. We're always working or doing stuff with the kids."

"It gets stressful," She looks over at me, her eyes full of wisdom, "but it's so worth it in the end." I smile. It's nice to hear reassuring things like this from people who have been through it already. We spend the rest of our time talking about different things before deciding that it's time to start shopping.

"These are so cute!" I hold up a pair of little boots. They're way too small for any of the kids.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" She laughs as she looks at them "They are really cute."

"No," I laugh putting them down "I think we're done. I'd have another, but we hardly have the time for the 3 we have." She smiles and we finish looking at other shoes for the girls. We end up finding a few cute pairs, so I buy them, then we look at a few for Josh.

We find a toy store, that luckily has most of what we've decided they're getting. They, of course, have long lists of what they want, but Brad and I try to make sure that we don't spoil them.

Jane throws stuff in the cart that she's buying as I look through the toys trying to find something I think they'll like, but they didn't ask for. I like to be sneaky and surprise them. I end up picking out some movies they like and then go back to my list.

"Do you wanna look for Josh and I'll look for the girls?" I ask Jane who agrees. We separate and I go towards all the girls toys and clothes. It's easier looking for them because their stuff is closer together. I grab them each some clothes that I know they'll like and then go towards the toys. Ally mostly just wants some fake jewelry and makeup to play with so she's east to shop for. Catie, on the other hand is more specific wanting specific art supplies and other poplar things for girls her age. I guess it's just going to get harder to find things as they all grow up.

I meet up with Jane who has successfully managed to get all but a few things on Josh's list. I'll get the other stuff when I shop with Sherry closer to Christmas.

"I also saw this, and couldn't resist getting it." She holds up the cutest outfit ever "I thought you'd like it."

"Oh, my, God!" I take it from her "That is so cute!" I know Josh will love it too, because it has his favorite characters on it.

I sneak away from Jane just long enough to pick out an outfit for me as Brad's present that he asked for. I smile as I hide it in the bag knowing that he is going to love it.

"Ready to go?" Jane asks as we meet up at the mall exit. I nod and we grab all of our bags making our way out to my car where we throw them all in the trunk.

"Thanks so much for coming with me!" I hug Jane as she gets out of the car "I had a lot of fun."

"Me too," She hugs back "We'll have to do it again next year."

I grab all the bags from the trunk and carry them into the storage room that I lock so the kids can't get in, then make my way up to our room.

Hey," Brad looks over at me as I start to change into my pajamas "Where's my present?" He pouts trying to look upset.

"It wouldn't be a Christmas present if I let you see it before then," I walk over to him on the bed "You'll just have to wait."

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