Day out

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"Brad, I'm really tired." I complain sitting in the chair next to him

He sits up looking at me "I know you are, but look at Catie, she's having so much fun."

"I want her energy. I am glad came to this picnic, I haven't seen some of these people in so long."

"Me too. Where are your dad and Sherry? I haven't seen them." he asks

"They told me that they're coming later." I stand up "I'm going to get a drink."

A familiar looking lady walks up to me on my way back "Hi, I don't know if you remember me, I'm Brittany. I think the last time we saw each other was like 10 years ago."

I look at her "I vaguely remember you. It was at the show party, right?"

"Yeah, are you here with your dad and Sherry?" 

"When they get here." I laugh "Right now I'm with my husband and daughter."

"Oh, wow, now that you said it I kinda remember your dad talking about a grandchild." she looks around "Is she with the other kids?"

"Yeah, she's in the bouncy castle thing." I point out Catie for her

"Wow, she's beautiful! How old?"

"Thanks, she's 3. It was nice to talk, but I better go back over to Brad." I walk over and sit down.

"Who was that?"

"Brittany, she's been working on the show probably 20-25 years. I've known her since I'm like 15."

"Wow."he looks over at Cat "She was looking for you when you were away."

"What did she want?"

"Just to show you how high she can jump." he says as my parents walk up to us

"Hi, sit down." I motion to the chairs across from us "How's Alex?"

"Good." Sherry answers "He was going to come today but he didn't want to be outside all day."

"Is he still in pain?" Brad asks "The last I talked to him he said his leg really hurt."

"He said it wasn't too bad today." my dad looks around "Where's Catie?"

I point at the bouncy castle "In there with the other kids."

"Looks like she's having fun." my dad looks back at me "How are you?"

"Very tired, but not too bad."

"You look like you need a drink." Sherry laughs "We need to go out sometime after you have her."

"We really do. We can in two months."

"So," Brad looks at me "Does that mean in two months I can put my beer back in the fridge and I don't have to drink it warm?"

"We'll see."

Cat runs over to me "Mommy, watch me jump."

I point to my dad and Sherry "Look grandma, and grandpa are here."

"Come watch me!" she yells holding their hands

I get up with them "Go jump awhile, we'll watch from here."

Sherry looks over at me "You should be sitting. Your ankles still look bad."

"I will after a few minutes. They were really bad last night when I got Brad to paint my toe nails."

"I was wondering how they were painted." she laughs and looks at my dad "Why didn't you do that for me?"

He shrugs "I don't know. I don't touch feet."

Brad walks over and hands me my phone "Courteney just called you, apparently there are like 100 paparazzi outside our house because of some rumor."

"Really? I didn't see any when we left." I take my phone "What rumor?"

"We were going to be having a huge picnic and some ridiculous amount of people would be there." he looks at Catie "How the hell is she still jumping?"

"She's 3. They have limitless energy." my dad laughs "She'll jump for hours then out of nowhere be crazy tired and want to leave."

"You guys can all stand here and talk, but my back really hurts." I walk back over and sit down.

Sherry sits next to me "So, how are you? and be honest."

"Tired, sore, swollen, bitchy, and excited."

"Start walking more, like take Cat for a walk every day or something." she looks at my feet "And please, elevate them when you can. It's really not good if they get too swollen."

"Thanks, I'll try more."

"You're welcome." she smiles "I just want you and the baby to be healthy."

"Me too. I hope it's in the next 2 weeks. I'm guessing the first or second."

"I say the second. Does Brad still think next week?" she asks

"Yeah, I hope it isn't but I wouldn't be surprised."

Brad walks over "I heard my name. What did I do?"

"We were talking about if you still think next week for the baby." Sherry looks around where's John?"

"He wanted to watch Cat longer. I'll bed $100 it'll be next week." Brad laughs "I knew with Cat."

"What the hell, is this an episode of Friends? You're really going to bet on when I have the baby?"

Sherry leans over towards Brad as she walks away "You pissed her off."

Brad walks up to me and tries to kiss me before I turn away "I'm sorry, baby, I love you."

"You're an asshole. What if next week would be too early and something would happen to me or her?"

"Jen" he sits next to my chair "You're paranoid. The doctor said she's fine as long as it's after this week, I'm just betting, not going to do anything."

"Whatever." I turn towards Cat "How much longer do you think she wants to stay?"

"She'll leave whenever I get her and tell her we're leaving." he gets up "Do you want to go now?"

I get up "Yeah, I don't really feel good."

Brad walks up and gets Cat from the bouncy thing "We're going home."


"Mommy doesn't feel good." he walk over to me

"I stay."

"No sweetie, you have to come with us."

My dad walks up "We'll watch her if she wants to stay."

"Are you sure?" Brad asks

"Yeah, it's not a problem. She's good for us." My dad takes Cat "We'll just drop her off on our way home."

"Thanks." I start to walk away "Call if you need us."

"Brad pull over." I say after we're driving about 5 minutes

He looks for a spot to pull over "Are you ok?"

I start throwing up along the road just as he gets to the side "Yeah, I'm better now."

"Are you sure?" he gives me water to wash my mouth "Do you need anything?"

"I just want to go home." I sit back in my seat

"Okay, well we're almost home." Brad pulls into the driveway "Let's go sleep for a little."

"I don't feel like walking upstairs." I walk to the couch "Can we just sleep here?"

He sits down and puts a pillow on his legs "Lay here."

I lay down "Thanks, baby, sorry we had to leave."

"Don't be. You can't help it. Now, just get some sleep."

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