The future of us

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I still remember our first date, the day Brad purposed, our wedding, the day we found out I was pregnant and the day our daughter was born. It's so hard to believe it's been so long since some of them. Looking back on it, it feels like they just happened yesterday.

*first date*

"Wow, Jen, you look absolutely beautiful!" Brad smiles as he sees Jen walking into the restaurant, admiring her effortless beauty.

"Thanks Brad, you look really good yourself." Jen walks over to greet Brad and takes her seat.

"I can't believe I'm really on a date with you. I mean you're Rachel Green." Brad laughs.

"I feel the same only it's I can't believe I'm on a date with Brad Pitt.  You're like a huge actor!"

"So, tell me about yourself." Brad sets his menu down, looking across the table "How was your life growing up?"

"Well, I just got out of a pretty serious relationship so I'm trying to find someone great again. Anyway, to make it quick: my parents divorced when I was 9 and I grew up in New York with my mom, occasionally visiting my dad in LA. Since then I discovered how much I liked acting and moved out to LA when I was older and became closer to my dad, and haven't talked to my mom in about 2-3 years because of some person problems." Jen is clearly emotional about this, and Brad tries to find out more so he's able to support her.

"I'm really sorry to hear about the divorce and you and your mom not talking much. That must be hard." Brad reaches across the table to hold Jen's hand.

"It is, really is. I never thought a few fights could break our relationship. We were really close. So, tell me about you."

Brad thinks a little "There isn't much, but I moved out to LA to persue my career in acting after dropping out of College, had a few crappy jobs and here I am"

"Interesting story. " Jen laughs

They order and eat their food then stay for awhile talking.

Jen starts laughing at what Brad said "I can't believe you really had a job like that!"

"It was a bet, and it got me money" Brad laughs "So, what was your craziest job?"

"I would have to say being a bike messanger."

"Really, a bike messanger? That had to be um...interesting." Brad gets closer to Jen.

"It was to help get money. I only lasted a few days it really just wasn't a good job for me." Jen defends herself "I would have been much better at literally anything else."

"Well it looks like they're closing so we better get going." Brad says after a while of talking "Its been a really good date, I can't wait to see you again."

"I had a great time. Best first date by far." Jen stands next to him, walking towards the exit "Maybe some time next week?"

Brad kisses Jen once they're outside, making her go weak in his arms "Wow, Brad, that was amazing."

"Just as amazing as you."

*The day Brad proposed*

"Braaaad I know you wanted a secret area but really all the way out here?  What could you possibly need to be this secretive for?" Jen complains as she turns around and see's Brad on one knee in front of her. She covers her mouth in shock trying not to cry.

"From the moment I saw you walk into the reastaurant on our first date to our first kiss, and when we met each others families, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend my life with. You're the only person I want to wake up to every morning, the only one I want to fight with about whether I put the toilet lid down or not, the only woman I ever want to be able to call my wife. I want to make a family of our own, and grow old with each other. You're the only woman I want to spend my life with, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you the happiest and most loved woman ever. You deserve the whole world, and I promise I'll try to give it to you. Jennifer Joanna Aniston, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!" Jen jumps towards him, wrapping her arms around him for a passionate kiss "I love you!"

Brad places the ring on Jen's finger and kisses her "I love you so much, Jen."

*The wedding day vows*

Brad- "I couldn't dream of a better woman to spend the rest of my life with. I'll always be there for you whenever you need me.  Ask for anything, and I promise you'll get just that and more.  If I could give you the whole world, I would.  You complete me in every way possible, making me a better person than I could have ever thought of being.  I'm constantly learning how to strive and love like you do, and I never want to stop.  I'll be by your side for every step from this day forward.  I love you, Jennifer, and I'm so excited to see what the future has in store for us."

Jen- "The moment I saw you waiting for me in that dimly lit restaurant was the moment I started dreaming about today.  I knew that you'd be the man I'd marry and spend every possible second with.  You mean more to me than you'll ever know, and I wouldn't want to be stuck with anyone else in the whole world.  You annoy me more than anyone else I know, but you've shown me true love and what it feels like to have someone there for me through everything.  I've changed for the better since meeting you, and that's all because of the guidance you've given me.  I'll never stop loving you."

*The day Jen finds out she's pregnant*

Brad walks in the bathroom, hardly containing his excitement as he looks at over Jen's shoulders at the tests "Did you find out yet?  It's been 5 minutes now."

"No, I'm too scared to look. You do it." Jen's hands tremble as she gives Brad the tests.  He immediately flips them over for the reveal.

"They're both positive!" Brad announces pratically jumping.

Jen starts to cry, thinking about how amazing this is "Oh my God! It's really happening!"

Brad kisses Jen "It really is! I can't wait to meet him or her."

"I'm so excited. I've wanted this forever"

"We're finally going to have a family of our own. This is amazing" Brad hugs Jen, wiping away her tears, leaning in for a kiss "You're going to be the most amazing mother in the whole world."

*Day Catie was born*

"Just a few more pushes, Jennifer, you're almost done." The doctor tells a very exhausted Jen.

Brad grabs her hand, and she pushes as hard as she can, trying to get this over with.

"She's almost here, babe. One more push." He encourages her.

Pulling all her strength and energy together, Jen pushes one last time, and the room fills with the cries of their beautiful baby.

Jen looks down at Caitlyn as she hold her in her arms "I can't believe she's finally here. I love her so much already."

Brad takes Catie from Jen, looking down at her as she sleeps peacefully in his arms "I can't get over how beautiful she is. She looks so much like you."

Their parents walk in and all take turns holding Caitlyn.

"She's absoutely beautiful. Looks so much like you as a baby, Jen." John gently hands her off the the next awaiting grandparent.

Jen smiles "Thanks, dad."

"I really love her name.  It's beautiful, just like her."  Jane looks down at her newborn granddaughter, gently rocking her.

"Thanks, mom. We wanted something to do with both families, that's how we got 'Rose'." Brad looks at Jen.

Jen gets handed Catie and stares at her in awe "I picked 'Caitlyn' because I thought it was really cute, and has nicknames."

"You did really good with it. It's a beautiful name, fits her well." Sherry gently reaches out to play with her hands.

"We were hoping it would." Brad laughs.

"You guys are going to be great parents." William smiles, watching the happy family.

"Thanks, that really means alot." Jen gives Catie to Brad.

Caitlyn Rose Pitt born 3/7/2003 7lbs 4oz 20in

So, this was just a quick first part. Please comment and vote so I know if you like it, and want more. If you do, the next part will be the "present" time, so right after FRIENDS ended.

Thanks, Mari.

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