Chapter 3

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Mitch was in his same position, dabbing Scott's face gently with the towel.

Scott flinched once, but was otherwise compliant.

At some point, Jake took the towel and put a little disinfectant on it, which Kevin keeps in a box in the car, along with some other medical things.

Mitch was even more careful now, knowing it would sting.

Scott looked over at Jake, so Mitch had better access to the wound on his cheek, and clenched his jaw to keep his pain under control.

Mitch had to stop halfway through, because of how bad he felt. "Alpha..." He whispered.

Scott turned his head. "Done?"

"Well... No. But I don't like that you're in pain."

"Don't worry about it, babe. Just finish up. I'm fine, I promise."

Mitch pouted and reached a shaky hand up to continue disinfecting the wound.

Avi was looking out the window, trapped in his own mind, when Alex shifted in his sleep and rested his head on Avi's shoulder.

Avi glanced over, and noticed that Alex had fallen asleep holding Todrick's hand in his lap, and even upon falling asleep, he didn't let go.

Avi smiled at him, and looked over, meeting Todrick's worried eyes.

Todrick grabbed Alex's shoulder to pull him away from Avi. "I'm so sorry, Alpha."

Avi just put his arm over the back of Alex's seat. "That's alright, Todrick. He's fine."

Todrick nodded slowly. "If you change your mind... I'll wake him."

"That won't be necessary."

Nearly half way through the drive, Avi glanced around the car, noting that everyone was asleep except Scott and Kevin.

Mitch was asleep, in his own seat now, but leaning into Scott's side, with one arm over Scott's lap.

Scott was just running his hand up and down Mitch's back, not really thinking about it. Jake was asleep as well, leaning his head back on the seat.

Todrick fell asleep after Alex woke up just long enough to roughly tuck Todrick under his arm and kiss his temple.

Todrick had blinked at him. "Go back to sleep, honey. We still have at least an hour."

Alex nodded and smiled lazily. "Okay. I love you."

Todrick smiled right back, bringing Alex's hand up to kiss it briefly. "I love you too, Allie. Sleep."

Alex nodded and closed his eyes, leaning back into Avi. "Yes, Sir." He mumbled.

And then the two had fallen asleep.

Kirstie still hadn't woken up since the first time she fell asleep, and Kevin was just peacefully driving, a smile occasionally drifting on to his face when he thought of something he liked.

Scott cleared his throat quietly, trying to speak quietly enough to not wake anyone up. "Um.. Alpha?"

Avi just hummed, Alex's body making it too hard for him to turn and actually see Scott.

"Are we... Going to work for The Counsel?"

"If you want to."

"Are you going to?"

"I mean.. I don't know. Too much is going on for me to make that kind of decision right now."

Scott nodded slowly, taking a second before answering. "And what about the house? Are we really moving?"

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