Chapter 184

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Alex and Kirstie sat directly beside each other, as the group sat around the campfire, few of them making s'mores.

Alex was making his own, as well as some for Todrick and Jake. Kirstie made a few for herself, and some for Kevin. Avi had declined her offer.

Avi was just sitting on one of the large logs that he and Kevin had pulled over near the fire, Kevin sitting on the side of him with Todrick under his arm, and Jake on Avi's other side.

Kirstie suddenly giggled loudly at Alex. "Don't say that! I'm trying to concentrate."

Alex laughed right back, taking a small step away from the fire and leaning toward her. "Concentrate on what? It's not like this is some kind of skill."

Kirstie pulled her marshmallow out of the flame to inspect it, and pouted. Then she grabbed Alex's wrist to pull his out of the fire as well, before she huffed. "There must be! Why is yours so much better than mine?!"

Alex's eyes widened a little, and he offered his marshmallow on a stick toward her. "Here, take mine. I can make another."

Kirstie waved him off. "Please. You know I'm not one of those kinds of Omegas. Teach me?"

Alex nodded quickly. "Of course." He tried once more to hand his 'masterpiece' over, this time with a different reason. "Would you pretty please hand these to the Alphas? I'll go get us two new marshmallows, and then I'll teach you."

"Okay." Kirstie turned to do just that, smiling wide as she walked over to Avi and Jake.

She passed the one Alex made to Jake, knowing that's how Alex would want it. "Here." Then she turned to Avi and offered it to him, though she knew he previously detested to the idea. "And one for you, if you want it."

Kevin stood just then, walking toward the bag he filled with marshmallows.

Avi shook his head at Kirstie. "No thanks."

"Okay. Just let me know if you change your mind. Allie is going to teach me how to make really good ones, so. Maybe then." She responded optimistically.

Kevin walked back over with crackers and chocolate. "Maybe this will help."

Avi looked down at the two things in Kevin's hands. "Why on Earth would I need those?"

Jake chuckled and reached across him to grab a few things from Kevin. "To make s'mores. Why else?"

"I... I don't think I know how."

Kirstie giggled at him, and turned to Kevin. "It's okay, Alpha. Kev and I will show you."

Todrick stood up to walk over to Alex, after seeing him get new marshmallows.

Alex smiled at him and waved with one hand that held a marshmallow. "Hi! I'll make yours next, I promise."

"Okay. Thank you for doing that."

"Oh, it's no problem!" Alex responded with a giggle. "How are you?"

"Pretty good. Lots of bugs out here though, which is quite unsettling."

Alex nodded a few times. "Oh, I have bug spray. Like... The mosquito one. Would you like some?"

"No thanks. It's okay. I'll keep that in mind though, if anyone asks."

Kirstie skipped back over, and helped Alex stab the marshmallows, before she turned to the fire. "Alright Mr. Professional. Show me how it's done."

Alex blushed a little, but turned to the campfire as well. "I-I wouldn't say professional..."

Todrick smirked at Kirstie. "He's good?"

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