Chapter 195

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Scott was sitting in the backseat, Avi in the seat beside him, while Todrick drove them all home.

Scott was completely silent, until he looked over at Avi. "I want to know what you'd look like without a beard."

Todrick chuckled at his outburst. "We'll just have to look for baby pictures."

Scott gasped, reaching over to grab Avi's arm. "Yeah! I want to see your baby pictures!"

Avi scoffed, looking away from him, and yanking his arm away. "My dad probably burned them."

Todrick frowned at that thought, and turned into the store where there was a pharmacy.

Scott looked around. "Where are we? Is Mitchie meeting us here?"

Avi was about to snap at him, but gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Mitchell is at home. He's safe, I promise. We're just here to get your medication. For the pain in your head, so you'll be comfortable enough to heal up."

Scott jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked, and Avi had to hurry out his own door to catch him.

He yanked Scott's arm toward himself. "Calm down, fucking Hell. Wait for Todrick. And thank him for driving you around, would you?"

Scott whimpered at him, causing Avi to loosen his grip on Scott's arm.

Scott then looked behind Avi, as Todrick walked up to them. "Excuse me?"

Todrick just smiled. "Yes, Sir?"

"Thank you for driving me around today. It was nice of you to come along."

"Oh, it's no problem. You rarely ever ask for help, so... It's a nice change of pace."

"I don't ask for it, but I always seem to need it." Scott frowned and looked down at his feet. "I get hurt way too often."

"Though I agree with that, it doesn't mean I mind helping. I owe you for all the times you've protected the people I love."

Scott blushed all of a sudden, without intention. "Aw, that's so cute... You're welcome! I love protecting people!"

Todrick's eyes flashed down to Scott's wrist, where Avi was holding him tightly. He reached forward to grab Scott's hand gently. "I've got him, Avi. Don't worry."

Avi let go of Scott's arm, leaving Todrick to take care of it, as he turned to walk across the parking lot.

Scott made a grab for him, but missed, and pouted. He looked at Todrick. "Is he mad at me?"

Todrick frowned up at him, immediately feeling bad. "Aw, honey... Of course he isn't mad at you. He just... He's in a mood. I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for it."

"I hate when he's in a mood." Scott paused, throwing his arm over Todrick's shoulders to use Todrick for balance as they followed Avi into the store. "I just want everyone to be happy."

"I know you do, Alpha. That's what makes you unique."

Avi led them to the back of the store, where they were told to wait, as Avi walked up to the desk.

Scott had just been standing still, but even that was enough to make him lose his balance, as he fell into Todrick. Todrick grabbed him as well as he could, eyes searching Scott in concern.

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