Chapter 99

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Scott and Mitch made it a point to stay up later than the others, simply because Kevin had told Mitch about something he'd read in one of the Counsel books, called 'April Fools Day'.

The first day of April, which was today since they were up past midnight, was a day filled with pranks and tomfoolery.

When Mitch told Scott about it, as they'd laid down for bed, Scott was all for it. Partially because of the drugs the doctors put him on, but also partially because he knew everyone was in a sour mood after the day's events.

Scott had snuck Mitch out of the house to go to the store for things they might use, although technically Scott wasn't legally allowed to drive because of his leg.

Luckily everyone in the house had been asleep at the time, but unfortunately the sound of the front door closing woke Avi up.

He debated just going back to sleep, but knew that would be a horrible thing to do on his part.

Kirstie woke up beside him, and frowned. "Alpha? Why are you--? Did you have another nightmare?"

Avi shook his head once, leaning over to kiss Kirstie's forehead. "No, Princess. I'm fine. Go back to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you."

She just grinned at him, before throwing the covers over her head, and falling right back asleep.

Avi smiled at her for a moment too long, before he finally remembered what he was doing, and stood from his bed.

Avi snuck down the hall until he reached the staircase, and he glanced around.

Jake peeked his head out of his own bedroom, and whispered to Avi. "Alpha? What are you doing?"

Avi didn't turn to look at him, he just kept scanning the house, eyes glowing red. "Nothing. What are you doing?"

"You woke Alex up."

"I didn't do shit. I just got here."

"Oh. Oh, my apologies, I thought-- But that's irrelevant. What was that noise then?"

Avi just shrugged. Nothing was moved at all, and he couldn't sense anyone else in the house, so he just dropped it. "I don't know. Might've been the Grassi-Hoying's headboard, if you know what I mean."

Jake snorted, and shook his head, turning to close his door. "Gross. Those poor Betas. Having to listen to it all."

Avi turned to walk back down the hall, back to his bedroom. "I know. And poor, little Mitchell."


After Scott and Mitch returned from their early morning shopping, Scott went to work immediately.

His main goal, was just to prank Avi.

He figured the Betas would outsmart him anyway, and he was terrified that if he did something to either Todrick or Jake, Alex would burst into tears and he'd never forgive himself.

However, he was almost positive he could get Kirstie to just laugh and brush it off if Scott did anything to Avi.

Scott did a quick prayer outside of Avi's door, before he snuck in, and then didn't come back out for a good five minutes.

Mitch was just told to wait for him, and be a lookout. Mitch was getting antsy though, the longer it took Scott to come back.

Mitch was simply standing with a carton of eggs in his hands, for something else Scott had planned. But Mitch wanted to be included in the fun too.

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