Chapter 190

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Using this picture as my segue into asking your thoughts on the latest video xD

Also; I've had a few submissions of book covers for TAATO4, and I was curious... How y'all think I should handle that. Maybe I could show them all to you, and we could vote on a winner? Or if there are more of you that want to submit a cover, I can hold some kind of contest?

Idk guys, I just need a tiny bit of advice xD THANK YOU ILY


The day Avi planned to bring the rest of the pack home, Travis had come over again to check on Scott once more.

The three were sitting on the couch; Mitch with Grace in his arms, Scott's arm over Mitch's shoulders, and Travis on Scott's other side, redoing the bandage on his hand.

Scott wasn't showing any emotion at all, but Mitch hadn't expected much anyway.

Scott could honestly say he didn't feel as good as he knew he should. He should feel like a weight came off of his shoulders, now that he didn't have to carry his secret anymore.

He didn't have to feel like Mitch would never really know what kind of horrible things he was capable of.

But he didn't feel that way. Rather, he felt worse. He had no idea what Mitch was thinking about, or how he was really reacting. Maybe he was just saying nice things to make Scott feel better.

Why else would he want to be married to such a horrible fucking monster?

Was he afraid? Oh God, please don't let him be afraid...

Did he feel obligated to stay? Because he was an Omega? Fuck, that's even worse...

Travis suddenly tapped Scott's temple with his pointer finger. "Whatever is going on in here, make it stop."

Scott glanced over at him momentarily. "I don't mean to be rude... But how on Earth does what I'm doing in my own brain bother you?"

Travis looked down at Scott's hand, and Scott followed his eyes, seeing his own hand clenched in a fist.

Scott let his hand relax and frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't even notice..."

"It's okay, just... Makes my job a little difficult." He chuckled a little, and then continued to tape up the bloody parts of Scott's hand, mainly along his knuckles.

Mitch leaned into Scott even more, after he accidently looked at the wound. "Does your hand hurt? Is your head okay?"

"Yes, baby. Everything is fine, I promise."

Mitch sighed loudly after taking a deep breath. "You smell like you're okay, so I guess I have to believe you. Promise me you're not hiding it from me? Like... Concentrating on hiding it, or whatever Kevin said?"

Scott frowned, and shook his head slowly. "I can't promise you that... I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to lie again."


"Fuck, I'm such an awful husband. You deserve better."

Mitch frowned right back. "Don't do that... Don't say that. I love you more than anything in the entire world. Will you..? Um.. Could you show me what it would be like..? Like, just... Stop holding back for one second, so I know what it's like to feel your pain?"

Scott glanced over to him, finally meeting his eyes. "Baby... Are you sure..?"

"Yes. Just for a second?" Mitch stood up and handed Grace to Travis, before kneeling in front of Scott with anticipation.

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