Chapter 180 (XXX)

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R.I.P. Christina Grimme ❤


BUTTTTTTTTTTT; The smut is very short. And I put little authors notes in front of where it starts and where it stops.

So if you're just here for the fluff, follow those accordingly ^-^

I'll still love you very much I promise :*

TO REITERATE; There is smut, my loves.

And I should also mention it's a little kinky.... Oops.

Read at your own peril.
(Unless you're a fluff person, then please fluff to your hearts content ^-^)


Scott wiped them both down, and then rushed downstairs to grab a snack and some water bottles.

He briefly thought about how uncomfortable he felt running around naked, but it was just a passing thought.

He then closed their bedroom door behind himself, and tossed a water bottle onto the bed, before taking a sip of his own, and setting it on the table beside their bed.

Mitch was still breathing heavily, eyes flickering back and forth between his two eye colors.

Scott laid down beside him, and helped him sit up enough to eat. "Just have some water, eat this, and then you can sleep. Okay?"

Mitch nodded weakly, Scott having to hold him up the entire time, and bring the bottle to his lips.

Mitch leaned into Scott's chest for a second, tracing his fingernail over Scott's tattoo, and smiling. "I still can't believe you did this to your skin..."

"I know." Scott laughed a little. Mitch looked up at him, Scott taking in how sweaty he was and how messed up his hair was. Scott ran his hand along the side of Mitch's face, Mitch nuzzling into him.

Mitch giggled a little. "Aren't you tired? I could almost fall asleep right here."

"Of course I'm tired. But just like.. How overboard your instincts are during the Heat? Mine are just like that, afterwards. Anyhow... You should get some sleep, honey. You know it only gets worse from here."

Mitch pouted, and leaned into Scott even more. "I don't want to. I want to stay right here."

Scott leaned back so that both of them were now laying down, Mitch's body mainly on top of Scott's.

Mitch giggled at his problem solving, and closed his eyes. "Perfect."

***(hi- smut commence)***

Scott woke again to the sound of Mitch's whimpering.

He groaned at how tired he was, but knew Mitch needed him. Which was plenty to motivate him to wake up.

Scott kissed Mitch's forehead. "Wake up, baby."

Mitch looked up at him immediately. "Alpha.. Hurts."

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