Chapter 8

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After grabbing a small lunch, Avi was driving the rest of them home.

Kirstie used Avi's phone to call Scott, just to ask how his day was going, which Avi thought was incredibly adorable.

Around that same time Todrick called Jake so he could make sure Alex was doing alright.

Alex ended up cooking lunch with Jake's help, because Scott wouldn't allow Mitch to leave the couch.

Scott simply put on some cartoons for Mitch's entertainment, and then left to shower for himself, hoping to get the blood off of his leg now that the bleeding had stopped.

When he walked back into the living room, only wearing a pair of sweatpants low on his hips, Mitch was holding his lunch for him.

Scott sat down on the couch next to him and took the plate that held a full sandwich. "Thank you, baby."

Jake finished chewing before he spoke to Scott. "I had to ask your Omega what vegetables you like, but apparently you hate them...?"

Scott smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah.. I do.."

"But your body looks like that, so apparently everything my parents told me about always eating the greens was a huge lie."

Scott laughed loudly in response.

Mitch glanced over at him, loving the sound of his laugh, before turning back to his food.

Alex suddenly jumped up and ran into the kitchen, coming back a minute later with four water bottles in his arms.

He set two of them down on the coffee table, and then handed one to both Scott and Mitch.

Scott thanked him quickly, and Alex set a hand on his arm when responding. "You're welcome, Alpha."

It was a simple, friendly touch on the arm that Scott hadn't even really noticed. But Mitch certainly hadn't missed it.

However he kept to himself about it. Just glancing at Scott's face to judge his facial expression, and then looking back to his food.

Jake had put something on the television for a distraction, also noticing the interaction between Scott and Alex, and knowing better than to give Mitch the silent opportunity to say something about it.

Jake put an arm around Alex's waist when he sat back down to eat again, hoping to show Mitch that Alex was uninterested in Scott.

Alex just smiled at Jake, and then turned back to the T.V.

Scott's phone buzzed on the coffee table, all four people looking at it instantaneously.

Mitch picked it up, knowing Scott wouldn't mind. "It's from Avi. Can I look?"

Scott gave him a nod, still eating. "Be my guest."

Mitch clicked a few things and then frowned. "He said they ran into some traffic. There was an accident or something."

Alex gasped and leaned into Jake's side. "How awful. I hope everyone was okay..."

Jake kissed his temple, and ran his hand up and down Alex's arm. "I'm sure everyone is fine, baby."

Mitch glanced at them for a moment, almost out of annoyance, and then continued reading. "He said that Kevin predicts an extra hour or so."

Scott nodded, before taking he and Jake's plates, which were both empty, into the kitchen. "Okay. Thank you, honey."

While he was standing in the kitchen washing the plates, he got lost in a sudden thought.

He wondered if he was even choosing the pet names that he used on Mitch. It seemed to happen... Almost naturally.

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