Chapter 97

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By the time Avi got into the hospital room, Mitch was laying beside Scott, clinging to his bicep like a lifeline while the nurses cleaned up Scott's leg.

Avi looked between all of them, and then walked forward to bend a little and look at Scott's leg closely. "Ew."

Scott growled at him, not in the mood for Avi right now. "Back away from me, please."

Avi just stood back up, squinting at him. "Are you alright, Scott? Does it hurt?"

"Not really. I think they gave me some meds or something. And since Mitch is here, I feel a little better."

One of the nurses smiled, although she was still fixing Scott's leg.

The other nurse handed Avi a prescription for him to get for Scott's pain.

Scott tuned them out, however. He just smiled at Mitch. "Hi."

Mitch held his arm a little tighter. "I'm sorry for hurting you..."

"I forgive you."

"Why on Earth would you do--?"

"Because I love you, silly goose." Scott responded, chuckling a little.

Avi tilted his head at him, and looked back to the nurse. "Do the meds make him... Loopy?"

"Yes, Alpha. For at least the first few days until his body gets used to them."

Avi nodded slowly, humming to himself. "Interesting."

Mitch grinned at the thought of Scott being almost drunk. He looked up at Scott. "How are you feeling, Alpha?"

"A little hungry. But you're so cute, I could just eat you up!" Scott responded, hugging Mitch tightly.

Avi rolled his eyes at them, and looked back to the nurse. "So he takes these twice a day, or...?"

The nurse smiled at him as she spoke. "Just once as soon as we wakes up, and then if he's in pain throughout the day, you can give them to him twice more during the day. But keep the dosages spread apart by at least four hours."

Avi nodded, glancing at Scott for a second. "Alright, thank you."


As Scott was walking out of the hospital, he gasped loudly, and grabbed Avi's hand. "Oh my God!"

Avi just raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I'm not wearing any pants!"

Mitch giggled, hanging onto Scott's hand. "That's because you're hot."

"That's not true, it's freezing out here!"

Alex laughed loudly, he and Jake standing beside the car.

Avi rolled his eyes, grabbing Scott's hand and trying to pull him toward the car. "Come on, you imbecile. We'll get you some pants as soon as we get home."

Scott resisted him, not taking a single step, as he was a bit stronger than Avi. "No." He pouted.

Kirstie stepped in between Avi and Scott, after Avi opened his mouth like he was going to yell at Scott, and she smiled at him. "Hi!"

Scott smiled widely, bending down a little. "Hi! You're really pretty. Like... Really pretty."

"Aw, thank you. You're so nice. Hey, would you do me a favor, since we're such good friends now?"

"Anything for a friend!" Scott replied with a grin.

"It's scary out here in the dark. Would you please walk with me over to our car?"

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