Chapter 89

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After returning home, Scott carried Mitch back to their room so Mitch could get some much needed rest.

Avi took Kirstie's certificate, which he had to force the Counsel Beta to print out (because apparently no one ever asks for those things), and he taped it to the refrigerator.  Like the proud dad he is.

Alex had just sulked back to his room, hoping to be left alone.

Unfortunately, with Scott preoccupied with Mitch's illness, and Avi trying to reward Kirstie for a job well done, no one noticed him disappear.

Scott only noticed, about an hour later, when he came running down the stairs to grab Mitch a bottle of water.

He'd heard Kirstie and Avi laughing loudly at one of Kirstie's favorite movies, and smiled. If it wasn't for his Alpha sense of smell, he probably would've forgot that Alex was even in the house.

But he could sense Alex's sadness all the way across the house, and immediately walked down the hallway to knock on his door. "Xand? You in there?"

Alex didn't hear him over the sound of his crying, which caused Scott to enter the room loudly.

The first thing he saw was Alex sitting in a corner of the room with Wyatt in his lap.

Scott walked over slowly, kneeling down in front of him. "Aw... Are you okay, honey?"

Alex nodded, desperately wiping tears from his face as if Scott hadn't noticed. "Yes, Sir."

"You don't have to pretend. It's okay." Scott reached out and wiped one of Alex's tears from his face. "Do you want to come upstairs and take a nap with Mitchie?"

Alex hesitated, because he didn't want to be a third wheel, but his body betrayed him and he nodded a few times. "Yes, please."

Scott smiled, stood, and held a hand out to help Alex stand too.

Alex tucked Wyatt under his arm, and then stood with him.

Alex sulked behind him the entire way up to Scott's room, until Scott opened the door for him and stared at him. "Xander, look at me."

Alex looked up with watery eyes, holding Wyatt a little tighter. "Yes, Sir?"

"Don't cry over him. Please." Scott pleaded, setting a hand on Alex's arm before he continued. "You're letting him destroy you, by letting him convince you that it's your fault. You're too... Remarkable, to let him do that to you."

"But... I loved him."

"And he loved you. But what you two used to have isn't there anymore. I know your old pack, and now Travis too, have brainwashed you into submission, and thinking you're not worth anything. But you're not just an Omega, Xand. You're a person. With feelings, and a purpose in life. I assure you, your purpose is not to sacrifice your entire being just to be good enough for an Alpha."

Alex frowned at him. "But... That's all I've ever known. That's all they've taught me."

"And now I'm telling you something else. You're so much more than just some Alpha's property, Alex. And... I think Jake is going to be the one to prove it to you. So you need to let Travis go. He's trying to take advantage of how kind you are."

Alex didn't say anything, just stood there with a pout on his face, and a cat in his arms.

Finally Scott sighed, and gave Alex a quick side hug, before pushing him gently toward his room.

Scott closed the door behind them, and turned to see Alex staring at him expectantly. Clearly, he was still a little nervous around Mitch.

Scott first took Wyatt from Alex, and set the cat on the bed beside Mitch.

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