Chapter 126

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Kevin wasn't listening though, and he turned to Avi. "I think we need to go back to the doctor. This might be out of my reach."

Scott sighed, pulling his hand away from Kevin. "No. No more doctors, I'm tired of it."

"I'm sorry, Scott. If I could fix it, I would. But... I mean, I can try." Kevin offered, holding his hand out to take Scott's again.

But Scott refused to give it to him. "Anything you can do. Even if you have to break it again or something. Just.. Hurry."

Kevin glanced back at Avi again. "Sir? Should I give it a try..? I don't want to make it worse."

Avi shrugged, Kirstie now putting a small, white piece of tape on his forehead. "Whatever you want."

Kevin looked back down to Scott's hand and hummed. "Well... I suppose..." He trailed off, as he finished his thought inside his head, for himself only.

Mitch watched him carefully, as Kevin fumbled with Scott's hand gently, deciding what he was going to do.

Kevin met Scott's eyes briefly. "Listen. If I do this... First of all, it's going to hurt. And second of all, you have to promise me that you're going to be careful with it. For at least a few days. Or else it won't heal correctly, and you'll have to go to a real doctor, and he'll have to break it again so that it will heal like it's supposed to."

Scott nodded slowly. "Yes, Sir."

Kevin took a deep breath, and glanced around once to see if anyone was watching him, because he had a small case of performance anxiety.

He looked back to Scott, but reached over to grab Mitch's wrist instead and lift it to place Mitch's palm against Scott's mouth.

Then he carefully pushed one of the bones in Scott's hand over as much as it could go, before he had to push a little harder. After about half a minute, he pushed Scott's bone back to where it belonged with a rough push, and although Scott stayed quiet, his eyes went red and his arm jerked to try to get away from Kevin.

Kevin had a good grip on Scott's wrist though, because he knew better. "Alright. Let me explain; What I just did is called a traction. Technically, 'skeletal traction', but you don't care so I'll spare you those details. I had to do it to take pressure off of the nerves, and to straighten the bones so when you wear the splint I give you, it can heal in place. Questions?"

Mitch moved his hand away from Scott's face and shook his head. "Will he be okay?"

"Of course. He just needs to let it heal." Kevin looked back to Scott, who was still cringing in pain. "I'm sorry that I had to hurt you... But it needed to be done."

Scott just shook his head, and took a deep breath. "No.. It's okay."

Alex was watching them curiously, fascinated with what Kevin was doing. "Sir? Beta, Sir? If, um... You don't mind my asking... Why is he in so much pain if he has 'Alpha Status' pain tolerance?"

Kevin didn't look at him, because he was getting out a few things that he would need to wrap Scott's hand up firmly. "Because rather than concentrating on calming his pain down, he's concentrating on hiding it from Mitch, so Mitch won't have to feel it. Alpha power, although extraordinary, can only be concentrated on a few things at a time."

"Oh... But... Oh... That makes sense." Alex replied quietly.

Scott's other hand was clutching his own shirt tightly, because he didn't want to squeeze Mitch's hand and accidently hurt him.

Alex then looked to Avi, while Kevin continued working. "Alpha...? Can we leave? Please?"

Avi nodded and stood, turning to hold Kirstie's hand. "Sure. Is everyone good to go?"

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