Chapter 39

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Just a quick thing; I just realized that there is lots of cursing in here, and I'm really sorry about it.

Like really sorry.


"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"I don't care. You're a disgusting, hypocritical, perverted old man. I'm not doing anything to satisfy your pent up needs. Not anymore. I'm not asking you to leave him alone. I'm telling you to do it, or else I'll kick your ass."

Avi's father, as rude as he was, grinned and checked Scott out once more. "That's hot."

Just as his hand came up to grab Scott's shirt, Jake came running towards them.

Jake didn't really know what he was doing, as his instincts took over, and he stormed over, only to punch the man right in the nose.

Scott stared at him in disbelief.

After Avi's dad regained his footing to glare at Jake, Jake shoved him down to the ground. "That is no way to treat the world's strongest Alpha."

Avi's dad chuckled from where he was laying on the ground. "I heard a rumor about that. Didn't believe it."

Jake growled down at him. "Yeah, well believe it."

Scott took a step back. "Jake, go back to the car. Don't leave Kirstin alone."

"Yes, Sir." He responded instantly, turning to obey.

Avi's father stood back up in front of him. "Body guard?"


"And yet."

"He just tries to do what's best. Which is a lot more than I can say for you, so. I wouldn't be spouting so much bullshit if I were you."

"Guess it's a good thing you're not me."

Scott laughed once. "Jesus, you're like an arrogant, bitchy Avi."

The older Alpha laughed right back. "Jesus, you're like an asshole."

"At least I'm not a pedophile."

Avi's father took a step forward and grabbed Scott's shirt, pulling him down to his eye level. "I'm not a pedophile. You were begging for it. You still are."

"I'm actually not." Scott smacked his hands away, and growled. "And do not put your hands on me, you fucking pervert. I'm fucking engaged."

"Oooh, look at you. Fancy and engaged. I'm fucking married. With children."

"Exactly. So why the fuck are you trying to get into my pants?" Scott growled.

Avi's dad growled right back. "You oughta shut the fuck up, boy."

"Make me."

"I'm about to, if you don't back away right now."

Scott crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow in a challenge. "Please do. Been a while since I've kicked someone's ass."

Luckily, that's when Avi walked out of the hospital, wiping his eyes.

He saw the other two, and ran over, grabbing Scott's arm and pulling him back to stand in between both of them. "Dad? The fuck are you doing here?"

"Coming to see my wife. Is that a problem, you ungrateful shit?" He growled.

Scott snarled somewhere behind Avi. "Don't you dare call him names. That's your fucking son, asshole."

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