Chapter 129

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After piling back into the car, their stomachs full, Jake offered to drive again.

Scott's arm immediately found itself over Mitch's shoulder, Kevin sitting on the other side of Mitch.

Todrick was in the back with Alex and Kirstie, both Betas feeling awful for picking silly arguments that were preventable and irrelevant.

Avi turned in his seat a little, and looked past Mitch to see Alex in the back seat. "Alexander?"

Alex looked over quickly, one of Todrick's hands in his own. "Yes, Sir?"

"How's your stomach doing?"

"Fine. I'm doing well, Sir. Thank you for asking."

"Yeah, anytime. Just let me know, okay?"

Alex nodded, a wide smile on his face.

Avi glanced to Kirstie for a second, and gave her a smile, before turning back in his seat.

Mitch was the next person to speak, leaning into Scott's body, and waiting for Scott's hand to slide down his chest a little.

Mitch looked over to him, and saw his other hand sitting uselessly in his lap. He frowned. "It looks so painful..."

"It's not, I promise. I can't even really tell."

Avi glanced behind him for a second, and then pulled out his phone to check a few things. "Doesn't matter. The doctor will fix it anyway."

Scott turned to him quickly, sitting up a little taller. "Doctor? I thought we agreed on not going to the doctor?"

"You have to go tomorrow to get your stitches out."

Scott pouted again, leaning back against the seat. "No. I don't wanna."

"Suck it up, Rookie."

Scott frowned even more, leaning over to set his head on Mitch's shoulder. "Why are you so mean to me? My hand hurts, my leg is being held together with a piece of silk, my shoulder hates me--"

"I thought your shoulder stopped hurting." Avi interrupted, turning around to glare at him. "Have you been lying to me?"

Todrick shook his head slowly, intervening for their sake. "It doesn't matter. He's just asking for you to be nicer to him."

Avi glanced back at him, and then back to Scott. "Alright. I'm sorry, Rooks. I'm sorry you're hurt. I'm sorry that you always put your life on the line for the sake of others, and it usually results in you getting injured."

Mitch looked over then, deciding to intervene as well. "I don't think that counts. He doesn't want an apology, Sir. Just... Be nicer."

"I thought that was nice."

"It was."

"Then why are you making a thing about it?"

"I'm just telling you. That's what he isn't saying."

Avi turned back around in his seat, grumbling something to himself that no one understood.

Alex scooted forward, and tapped Mitch on the shoulder. "Do you know how much longer we have in this car ride?"

Mitch shook his head.

Alex pouted and scooted back in his seat. "Poo."

Kirstie glanced over, one eyebrow raised. "What's wrong?"

"I just... Wanted to know how long we still had to sit here."

"I can ask The Alpha if you want. Why? Do you need to go to the bathroom?"

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