Chapter 16

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After lunch, Avi had encouraged everyone to start packing their things up, as Kevin had gotten tons of boxes to help.

They were finally, finally going to move.

A few people were filtering in and out of the house, grabbing the larger things in the living room and putting them on the moving truck that was now parked outside the house.

Alex, Jake and Todrick didn't have much to pack up, because they'd left most of their stuff in the old house which was now sold.

Mitch was unpacking all the things from he and Scott's closet, while Scott rifled through the things in the bathroom that belonged to he and his Omega.

Kirstie was stripping down the bed she shared with Avi, and Avi was moving boxes from his room out into the living room.

Kevin, with Todrick and Jake's help, was already almost completely done with his room.

Alex was in the kitchen, trying to make himself useful. As well as packing up Wyatt's belongings and getting the small cat into his crate.

After about an hour, the pack was carrying boxes to help the loading crew to load the next truck.

Scott had been carrying boxes without a problem, so he assumed he was fine.

Mitch even carried a box or two so Scott wouldn't have to do all of it.

Alex, because he hadn't needed to box up a bedroom, had helped the workers carry the large objects onto the truck. And he wouldn't ever say anything about it, but he was exhausted.

Avi stopped to wipe the sweat from his forehead after a few hours, and glanced around the room to see how empty it had become.

Most of the Pack was outside putting boxes on the truck, but Avi just so happened to catch sight of Scott carrying two large boxes stacked on top of each other.

Scott had crossed nearly half of the living room with ease, but suddenly he dropped the two boxes, and grabbed his shoulder with his other hand. "Oh, fuck."

Avi quickly strode over. "Damn it, Scott. Why did you do that to yourself?"

"I just wanted to help. I'm sorry."

"Just take one of the boxes. I'll take the other. Or, better yet. I'll take both. Go find Mitchell or something."

Scott grabbed one of the boxes before Avi could take them both, and headed out the door without a word.

There were still lots of things the workers needed to clear out, but the bedrooms were taken care of for the most part, so Avi's pack was free to leave.

Kevin and Todrick were going to drive the first moving truck, and Scott was going to drive Todrick's car, while Avi drove his own.

Kevin's vehicle, with Todrick in the passenger seat, was in front of the line of cars on the way there.

Avi drove behind him, with Kirstie, Jake and Alex in his car, and Scott followed with Mitch in Todrick's car.

Mitch had the radio cranked up, but Scott hadn't been annoyed by Mitch's loud singing quite yet.

Yes, he knew that Mitch had an amazing voice. But Scott's shoulder was throbbing, the sound ringing in his ears, and making him prone to headaches.

Mitch got bored at some point, and reached over to grab Scott's hand. "How are you?"

"Good. Shoulder hurts a little though."

Mitch pouted. "Should I massage it a little more?" He reached out to do so, but Scott flinched away.

"Mitchie, no."

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