Chapter 60

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In a good mood (Had a really good night last night) :)

So I WAS WONDERING; Does anyone want a double? Because let's do it.

Give me like ten minutes :*

And also, about the plagiarism.... It's getting a bit tedious. All we can do is report the account, and give support and respect to the victims.

There's no need to get more involved than that, such as like hate comments and stuff. That will only give the person the attention that they're seeking, and do not deserve.

BUT ANYWAY. I'll get on the double ASAP :*


Alex carried out a few plates, balancing a large tray on his hand and closely resembling a waiter in a restaurant.

Kirstie had him lower the tray each time they approached a table, so she could distribute plates out to everyone. "So, we made little starter salads for all of you, and then deli sandwiches for after that!"

Scott grinned, excitedly handing Mitch his salad. "Thank you guys. This looks great!"

Alex then walked over to the other table, and Kirstie followed to pass their food out too.

Alex went into the kitchen to grab everyone's drinks, Kirstie coming in to help, and then they finally took their seats by their Alphas to eat with everyone.

Before Alex could sit, Todrick waved him over.

Alex bent to get his ear as close to Todrick's mouth as possible. "Yes, Sir?"

"Please tell me that carrying that tray around didn't hurt your arm."

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though! I think it's healing quickly."

"I wouldn't expect anything less. You're impeccably healthy." Todrick remarked.

"Oh, thank you! I take lots of vitamins. I should probably thank you for that though." Alex giggled.

Todrick shrugged, looking over to Kevin, who was smiling at Alex as well. "I'm just looking out for you, Al. You can go eat now, if you'd like."

"Okay, thank you!"

Avi was speaking quietly to Kirstie, thanking her for the food, when the rest of the Counsel Army fled into the room.

Avi stood quickly to address them.

One Alpha amongst them spoke out. "We just got back from lunch. Is it okay if we stay here with you guys until you're finished with your meal, Sir?"

Avi nodded. "Oh, sure. Sure. I'll eat quick."

"Don't rush yourself, Sir. We could use the break."

Avi smiled a little. "Yeah, alright. Got it."


Alex had walked around the entire group of Alphas, that had filled up many of the tables in the room, and introduced himself with a smile.

Scott had an arm over Mitch's shoulders, and Mitch knew that it was just to 'protect' him from the other Alphas.

Mitch allowed Scott to feed him his salad, because he knew Scott was just trying to be cute. "Hey, Alpha?"

"Yes, baby?" Scott looked up from the food.

"Are you going to be embarrassed if I wear a dress to our wedding?"

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