Chapter 157

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Scott was now carrying a surplus of things that Avi had grabbed for Grace, as well as a bouquet of flowers for Kirstie.

Avi knew something was wrong, but Kirstie was just trying to be tough and get through whatever it was by herself.

He briefly felt proud of her, knowing that as the Lead he was always forced to give other people his attention, but Kirstie was always understanding about it.

Scott had to walk a little faster to catch up to Avi, because Avi was powerwalking through the store to get the job done. "Alpha?"

Avi didn't turn, just walked a little slower. "Hmm?"

"Can I get Mitch something? Like... A teddy bear?"

"Why bother? You're his teddy bear."

"Aw. That's a cute thing to say."

"Well, I'm not wrong."

Scott chuckled a little, still walking beside Avi. "Thank you."

Avi glanced over at him. "You're welcome. You really don't have to carry all of that stuff. Do you want a carrier or something?"

Scott just shrugged, not really worried about it. "I think I'll be alright. Thanks though."

Avi nodded once, before cutting Scott off to walk over to the aisle beside Scott. He wandered down the row, Scott following him like a child as he looked at the shelves in fascination.

Avi stopped once, curious to see how distracted Scott was, and proved his point when Scott ran into him because he'd been looking at the shelves off to his left.

Scott jumped back. "Oh, sorry!"

Avi just chuckled and kept walking.

Scott hurried to catch up. "You did that on purpose!"

Avi grinned at him. "Just keepin' you on your toes, Rooks."

Scott pouted back. "Mean."

Avi turned to pinch his cheek playfully. "What I live for."

"Picking on me?"


Scott followed him with a pout, Avi tossing things at him to carry.

Finally, after a few minutes more of this, Scott said something, though his words were laced with regret. "Avi... My hand is kind of..."

Avi glanced over at him, and then hurried to find a shopping basket to fill with everything. "I was just waiting for you to complain."

Scott gratefully shook out his wounded hand, before taking the basket from Avi's hold. "Thank you."

Avi just smiled, and then he glanced around the store. "Hey, we've got some time still. Want to grab something for yourself? As a thanks for coming with me, and carrying all my shit?"

"You don't have to thank me, Sir. It's always nice to hang out with you."

"Just pick something, Rookie. I'll feel better about dragging you along."

"I..." Scott stopped himself. "Okay... Can I get an apple?"

Avi blinked at him. "An apple." He repeated.

"Yeah. What's wrong with apples...?"

"Nothing, just... I just gave you a chance to--" Avi waved a hand at him. "Ah, nevermind. It's not worth it. Come on, then. Let's get you a damn apple."


Mitch was in the kitchen washing dishes, when Alex stepped into the room behind him.

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