Chapter 123

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The entire pack was now seated at the table for lunch, Scott beginning to act like normal, and Avi starting to act the exact opposite.

When people started to finish, Alex stood to begin washing dishes so he could get a head start for when everyone else finished.

Kevin stood from the table to take a phone call, and was gone for almost five minutes, before he walked over to the table. "Avi? I need to..."

He trailed off when he noticed Avi counting Kirstie's fingers, and then chuckling to himself.

Kevin tried Scott instead. "Alpha? Would you come with me for a second?"

Scott nodded, setting his napkin down, and tapping Mitch's thigh as he stood. "Keep eating, okay? I'll be right back."

Kevin led him down the hallway, before going into the bathroom at the end of the hall, and picking up the cell phone he'd left in there.

After he handed it to Scott, he locked the bathroom door behind both of them.

Albert was on the other end. "Alpha?"

"Yes, Sir? This is Scott, not Avi. If I... Need to clear that up."

"I figured. His voice is a bit lower." Albert chuckled a little. "But, um.. All jokes aside, Sir. We have a serious, um.. Issue."

Scott met Kevin's eyes. "Alright... What would that issue be, exactly?"

"The group that once surrounded the First Alpha has decided that... It's unfair that the power they once had has been stripped from them."


"And... The Betas and Alphas of our current Counsel, are very aware of this particular group's intentions. If we were to give them the power that they so desire, we would be back to square one, of The First's way of running things."

"So we're not giving them power. Got it. And you need...?"

"I need Alphas to come join the army in the event that this group decides to attack us, as an organization."

Scott squinted at Kevin a little. "How many of them are there? I was almost positive that the entirety of the Counsel was destroyed, save for a few Alphas."

"A few Alphas, that have recruited other Alphas that are also bitter with us for not letting them join our organization. They've threatened us before, but then they gave us today's date specifically, and... I don't think we should risk it."

"I.. Well. Alright. I don't know if... Just us three Alphas can be of much help, but we'll certainly give it our best."

Albert paused for a second. "Well... Sir... I'd be asking for your entire Pack's help."

"Even the Omegas...? Why?"

"As far as I'm concerned, as many people as we can get will help. But if I must... Your Betas are some of the best. Mitch's nose speaks for itself. Alexander is an unusually strong Omega, and Kirstie's intelligence could be of use to the Betas. All very helpful aspects."

Scott looked up at Kevin, who nodded. "Alright. We'll... Be down there as quickly as we can."


Kevin did his best to explain to the others, without frightening them.

He'd managed to get them all into the car without them asking too many questions, but Todrick was very suspicious.

Scott was seated in the middle seat, of the seats directly behind the driver's seat, sitting in between Mitch and Todrick.

Mitch was holding his hand, no idea of what was really going on. Scott felt awful for not being able to tell him, and his face clearly showed the pain of the ethical dilemma going on in his head.

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