Chapter 133

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So... Quick thing;

I just wanted to take a second and thank each and every one of you that did that 'Superfruit_IsLife Saturday'

Because I went through and read all of the chapters, and I was honestly... In tears. Not gonna lie.

So thank you very very very very much.


I thought we could double today (Yes, I know it's not Saturday and idc)



Avi walked up the staircase, before knocking on Scott and Mitch's door.

Mitch shouted through the door. "Go away, Alpha. I don't want to talk to you."

Avi raised an eyebrow at his tone, and opened the door. "Excuse me?"

Mitch quickly sat up in bed, bringing the blankets up to his chin and tossing the box of tissues to the side. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to give you attitude. I thought you were--"

"Do you speak to Scott like that?" Avi questioned calmly, closing the door behind him as he entered the room.

Mitch frowned, his posture slumping a little in shame. "Sometimes."

Avi hummed, sitting down on the other side of the bed, his back to Mitch. "Kind of rude. But I guess that's a discussion for another time."

Mitch cleared his throat, trying to be wary with his attitude. "Um.."

"Anyway. I'm here to ask about... You and Scott. Just so I'm clear; You want children, and he doesn't. Is that.. Accurate?"

"Yes, Sir."

Avi nodded, not speaking for a second. "Well..." He turned to face Mitch, before moving to sit beside him, although he was on top of the blankets. "You can't force him to give you children, Mitchell. I'm sure you know that."

"Yes, Sir. I know."

"So what's the problem, exactly? It seems almost like.. You're trying to guilt him into doing it."

"I most certainly am not!" Mitch snapped, slightly defensive, until he remembered who he was yelling at. "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to-- But I just-- He... Gosh, I'm sorry." Mitch looked down at the silhouette of his body underneath the sheets.

Avi frowned, turning onto his side to face Mitch completely, propped up on his elbow. "Talk to me, Tiny. Why are you so upset? I didn't mean to call you out, I'm just telling you what I'm seeing."

"Because he'd make such a good father, and I don't understand why he doesn't think so."

"If... I tell you something, you have to promise not to say anything to Scott. And don't take it personally, okay?"

Mitch nodded, looking at him in intrigue.

"I think..." Avi diverted eye contact for a second, but was quickly brave enough to reconnect their eyes. "I think it's because.. To him, you're kind of a child. Not in like.. A demeaning way. Just that... He gives you all the love he possibly can, he'd do anything for you, all he wants is to see you smile... He takes care of you with more ferocity than he does himself."

"I know that.. But why does that make me a child?"

"Because in a relationship... Generally the honeymoon phase ends pretty quick. But your guys' hasn't ended yet for whatever reason. In a marriage, it's more of a partnership than anything else. So the fact is, that rather than being split 50/50, Scott is making it more 70/30. He has absolutely no capacity to take care of another person."

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