Chapter 119

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Alex was finally allowed in the room, when Mitch was clothed again.

He was now in black boxers, as well as one of Scott's red and black button up, although a few of the top buttons was undone.

Mitch had, responsibly, remembered to give Scott his pain medication that morning, so Scott was already a little out of it.

Alex kept his eyes down out of respect, because Mitch was a little too exposed for Alex's personal comfort. "I just wanted you to know that breakfast is ready."

Scott rubbed one of his eyes, clinging to the last bit of sanity that he had left. "Thanks, Xand. We'll be down in a bit."

"Yes, Sir." Alex turned, probably to go find Jake downstairs, but Mitch grabbed his arm.

Mitch frowned at him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you when you tried to open the door."

Alex grinned, but still kept his eyes downcast. "Oh, you're forgiven! Don't even worry about that."

Scott laughed a little, but slowly, as if he was really tired. "That's so nice. You're so nice."

"Thank you, Alpha. I'm going to head downstairs now, unless you need anything?"

"No thanks. You're good. You're good."

Mitch giggled at him and rolled his eyes. "I'll bring him downstairs when I can motivate him enough to get dressed."

Scott wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, trying to hide himself completely. "No." He whined.

Alex giggled too. "Best of luck." And then he turned to leave the room, skipping back down the stairs.

Kirstie was speaking to Jake as they both ate breakfast, Avi making himself a cup of coffee to drink with his food.

Alex walked over quickly. "Would you like me to do it, Alpha?"

Avi shook his head once. "Nah. But you could... I don't know... Eat breakfast. Like a normal person."

Alex giggled, and then nodded to obey him. "Yes, Sir."

Avi glanced back at him for a second. "Alexander?"

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Do you ever... Like... Feel like being an Omega makes you a pushover?"

Alex thought about that, looking down to his hands. "I mean... Yeah. But I got used to it. And that way of thinking gradually went away."

"But... Do you think about it at all? Like... Every single time you have to call an Alpha by title... Doesn't that make you feel kind of... Horrible?"

"Not really. I mean.. I respect all of you, Betas and Omegas included. Alphas and Betas receive titles because of their superiority."

"You sound like an Omega Textbook."

Alex giggled again, turning to fill his plate with a small amount of food for breakfast. "I get that a lot."

"I don't doubt it."

Alex's smile faded after a few seconds. "Is that a bad thing? Aren't I supposed to sound that way?"

"Well... I know that's the expectation. After all your years of training, and school... I just wish you weren't so influenced by those things. I'm kind of curious what the real Alexander Kirk is like."

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